01 Jul 2013 3:04 PM:
Everyone has their on views on the heating allowance topic.
I was unable to claim this allowance until the ruling form the eu last year.I have only received the one payment so far,I am over 65...
Means test whatever you want,it doesnt matter to me,what I object to and stated quite clearly in my first post on here,is that after paying in the UK system for 44 years I am not allowed any benifeits...we can not claim a penny in spain for anything as we didnt contribute to the system,only our taxes ,why then should the UK GoVt give out heating allowance to foreign residents if they have paid nothing into the system.You can move to the Uk aged 60 years and one day and claim everything...that is my complaint....all you people who say it was our choice to move,well how clever are you,of course it was but we still all paid our dues before we moved (most of us ) and before you shout,how many of you are getting benifeits anyway............
Winter Fuel Allowance