The Comments |
Well, I would also like to see and end to inflation proof civil service pensions as for the third time this year alone I have heard these pensioners say that they have so much they cannot spend it all !!! Talk about rubbing ones nose it but guess they think everyone is the same otherwise they wouldnt say it. They certainly haven't a clue how we the " peasants" live . This year the tax level was raised thus giving these folk even more to count !!! Plus anyone with a pension over a certain amount, 50k say, should no longer be entitled to the measly state pension that way it could be raised to the tax threshold level and sans benefits required. Realise not all retired Gov.employees are this well off but they all certainly do rather better than those of us who had to buy annuities. Re-reading my posting I sound like a red when in fact I am dark blue !!!!!!
Why would anyone consider you a red. You are undoubtedly a very dark blue!
You are suggesting that those pensions for which payment was made across the working life should be restricted or cancelled just because the total income hits 50000! What a mean must be. Concentrate on those who inherit wealth across the generations without ever doing an honest days work in their lives. Set you limit a great deal higher. Look at the bonuses of which we all read (not all bonuses are unearned either!) Consider setting a maximum pay at say 20 times the lowest.
I know your sort. You look forward to the return of the workhouse for those who are adrift from the main stream of life. You want everything to be privatised so that all workers can be reduced to paupers, and the profits garnered into the pockets of the hyper-rich. We have moved on from the middle ages, dear! Get real.
As thousands of working folk would have loved to have earned 50k a year , let alone receive a pension of this amount , there was I thinking it was a way to redress the balance in preference to wanting more joining me in the workhouse. Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways marcbernard but would prefer NOT to be called names in future if you dont mind. Totally unnecessary and most unbecoming of members of this forum.
Why do so many constantly have a go at those with a healthy private pension supporting them in retirement years. Its a totally bitter and twisted attitude. One thing about living in the Uk is that most of us have the chance to make the best of our lives no matter what our upbringing.
I am one of seven kids of an imigrant family who came to England with nothing
i was in the RAF for 7 years and those years of service pay me no pension because I didnt serve enough time. ? Bitter no im not . I was lucky enough to find my way into a job where joining the pension scheme was compulsory. Years later and early retired ( at 59 ) I understand how important it was and I now appreciate it being paid to me every month. ( Not a lot but enough to live on .). Then a couple of years ago I received a heating allowance and a free bus pass . Still not on State Pension for 2 years though. If I decided to move to Spain i wouldnt expect the winter Fule allowance of the Bus Pas to Follow
The solution is making it law for younger people (who dont appreciate they will be older one day) encouraged to put more of their wages into a pension fund and not allowing it to be drawn down . Far too many that now "cant afford to save" are spending on lavish lifestyle take out meals every day, boozing , stagg parties in Benedorm and Prague instead of the local town . More needs to be done to convince the young that you have to save for your future years.
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Aliton - just a quick "I couldn't agree more " comment.
I agree too but would add that public service pensions should be self funding and not topped up by the taxpayer, public servants are no more special than anyone else.
It is totally untrue that public servants do not contribute to their own pensions.
Are you suggesting that all pensions should be "self funding"? This would mean that employers are not to contribute to their staff's pensions? Or are you just after the public sector (again)?
The amount of "taxpayers'" subsidy extends all the way across the pension field. How much do you think is relieved from tax for private pension plans, especially for the "deserving" rich and powerful who decide for themselves how much should be set aside for pensions?
This race to the bottom must stop soon else the breadlines will be beyond control.
Absolutely right marcbernard. All pensions are subsidised -40% top up if you are a higher tax payer - 20% otherwise.
I think only the military have non contributory pensions now, and I believe all civil servants now pay something between 4 and 7% of salary?
I too believe that a lot of pension bashing is by those who could and should have made provision for themselves - but for whatever reason, failed to do so.
why is the verage UK temperature guaged in Devon in the South of England. Why not Shetland ?
The military salary is reduced by 6% due to the pension benefit. For example, average pay for a driver in UK will be paid to a military driver less 6%. When support staff in the NHS were given the chance to join their pension scheme, I was amazed at those who didn't take it up. 4% of their salary (with it being tax-deductible it worked out at around 3%) with 14% contributions by their employer (the doctors). Loads of staff didn't t bother. Hopefully this new government scheme for workplace pensions will make sure more people will provide for themselves. Still, a bit off topic unless some people feel public sector workers don't feel the cold! Of course, if benefits can be exported, why not charges? So all of you watching BBC in Spain should now send off your £140 or whatever to pay for the license fee.
" Why do so many have a go at healthy private pension...... " Well I have searched this thread and the only person who mentioned pensions was me and I certainly never knocked private , government or company pensions only to write that anyone with a 50k or more pension per annum should relinquish the state pension. Only a fool doesn't make provision for the future. And I am NO fool . (My post has not been edited so if anyone thinks I wrote something different please tell me.) But politely, please After all surely people realise there is nothing in the pot for the future working generation. Or is that of no consequence !! To have a pension of 50k a single man of 60 , non smoker or drinker and without health issues ,would need to pay more an £ 1,000,000 into a private fund. An impossible task for all but the few super rich. But as with the WFA , every little helps.
WFA for those in Spain? Why should you get it. All this talk about topping up a pension etc. either you live in the UK or you don't, although many are registered as living there, although of course in the main do not. You cannot have it both ways. Heating costs would never be the same in Spain as they are in the UK. I agree not everyone is cash rich who retire to Spain but the choice us yours. I also think it should be only given to those in need, if you have a healthy income, then you should not get it at all.
If people choose to live as a resident in a country that's not the uk then it is absurd that anyone outside the uk should or could get the WFA. Perhaps some individuals loose sight of the fact that they are resident and live full time outside the UK. There are many benefits in living in Spain against the UK which I imagine is why many people live here. Swings and roundabouts as ever. Why should anyone get a handout from the UK when they are not even there. It not a pension but an allowance. Maybe one could try asking for housing benefit from the UK as well. Same sort of flawed logic.
christinejoyce and lifeinvejer
When reading your post I get the feeling you think UK citizens, who may have paid into the system during a lifetime of working in the UK, should not get any benefits if the move, say to Spain..
Well let’s consider a scenario,
Mrs and Mrs X pensioners with a number of serious medical conditions are living in Spain on their basic UK state pensions. With health covered paid for at £3,500 p.a. by UK, even though their actual medical costs far exceed that. With the pressure on their finances, they are faced with the possibility of having to return to UK.
If they return they will be entitled to many allowances and benefits which at present they are not, and the NHS will pay the full cost of their medical needs, which moving back the UK climate might exacerbate. They would probably get free housing as well.
Thus moving back to the UK would impose considerable costs on the UK systems, and additional burdens on an overstretched NHS, in an already overcrowded country.
Do you think their moving to UK would benefit the UK tax payer?
An enlightened alternative, might be for UK to devise a ‘top up’ payment system (which would include those benefits which they would get just because they lived in UK, including WFA) which would enable them to stay in Spain.
Would that not be better for Mr and Mrs X, the taxpayer and the NHS ?
There are too many people seeing the WFA as a benefit. It is not, it is a communal pot managed by the government. Governments cannot create wealth, they can only manage money provided by the electorate.
I QUOTE: In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.
-- Voltaire (1764)

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hi all
just my two pence worth, I will be retiring at the end of the year, and will be getting a goverment pension- not that gold platted- but what I consider a good ish pension, compaired to a lot of people.
on this pension I will still be paying tax in the UK, even when I move to spain, my contributions to my pension have been over 11% of my salery and still climbing, so as I leave for warmer climates, and paid a lot into over the years, and look like loosing automatic 'benifits' -- can I claim my tax back ? 
I know I can't but as always benifits will always cause arguments as to who should or shouldn't get them, means testing is a way but costly and time consuming, a set earning is ok but what if two earn in one household and one one in another, as in the new child tax credit, how would you check on household incomes, its one of the things all goverments would love to get a tight grip on but alas there are so many permitations, twist, turns and exceptions
The reason the uk is in the hand outs role is due to the stiff upper lip and not wanting to pry , all benefits with the exception of state pension should be removed and replaced with a means tested safety net that lifts your income to a monthly determined level that you would then pay your bills from inc council tax and rent . These would be available to uk nationals who were born in the uk and live in the uk and would be available for each month your in the uk. This is not racist as I said born this would include nearly all historic migrants. Care services , library's bus travel etc would all be bought out of his support. For the distant future pension savings or investments would be compulsory as the state pension would be phased out in favour of personal or work pension. Unemployment pay would be removed and replaced by a state or private insurance benefit paid for whilst your working the more you pay the more you can claim, I could go on , but the bottom line is benefits are to prevent death not to buy plane tickets , and if you live in Spain YOU LIVE IN SPAIN NOT LITTLE ENGLAND we made our choice and were lucky to be able to.
Unless you are already claiming benefits you do not get fuel allowance you have to claim it .i have never been on benefits and scraped now 72 was told about fuel all when I was 63 I then claimed but was told not allowed back payments as I did not claim at all these rich celebs that are making an issue about returning it as they don't need it must have asked for it in the first place, I cannot imagine they were on social benefits at the time Bob g
I wonder what the UK gov would do ( and all those who seem to hate us who have moved out of UK) if all UK retirees said they were going to return to live in UK and claim everything they have a right to by residence there !