15 Sep 2007 7:26 PM:
Well, I certainly started the ball rolling on this one. I can't stop scratching.
I HATE cockies. Having worked in an old hospital on night duties, they really spook me. I had a ritual on nights. I used to boil the kettle up and empty the boiling water on the outside windowsills (god help anyone standing underneath) I was on the first floor. The amount of cockies that used to flow with the water, out of every nook and cranny. Then I used to get some plastic specimen containers (the ones you use for wee samples), place cockies in them and leave them on the window ledge of the kitchen for the day staff to find.
Thought I would share that one with you all.
My 26 year old son says he might want to move with us to Spain. I won't let him after all your comments. He never clears up after him, leaves food lying around. If he did wipe a worktop down, bet your life its all on the floor. He's staying in Blightly. I think I would become paranoid my neighbours are clean.
Found a huge one in our apartment in Malta. We used to leave the doors of the apartment open onto our patio of a night because it was so hot (no air conditioning) (it was secluded). Got up early hours of the morning as we were going to Sicily for the day and it was in the kitchen. It moved so fast. Managed to trap it in the coffee container.
When we were in Majora, we couldn't sit out on the grass or on the brick wall as it was covered in ants as son (referred to above) found out (it was a pleasure to beat the ants off him!!! )We used to watch them marching in line up the tree and up the post to the apartment above.