The Comments |
Any ex pats out there living in Almoradi.
Be grateful if you could give me the low down on this place. Nearest main hospital, what the bus services are like to main towns, Torrevieja, Alicante (in particular the airport). How late the buses run etc.,
Night life, social life for ex pats. Are there any large supermarkets etc. What are the walks like in the area?
Hope to be coming out towards the end of the year with a view to buying a property.
I want to know a lot don't I. I really love this site.
Regards, Gems
_______________________ GEMS
Hi ive just bought a property in almoradi,it will be completed in january,just fell in love with the area,just sitting around the town square does it for me .we where out there in june, we never had a car,we was to busy getting nie numbers and spending days looking at the build. But we have been to lots of places in alicante to name one place was calasparra a must (church) rice fields,white water rafting,if thats of any interest tricia
Hello to you two, purchasers/ prospective purchasers.
We bought in Daya Nueva ,just a short way from Almoradi. We have had our place nearly five years now, and do most of our shopping in Almoradi. The market on Saturday is great. There are a number of medium sized supermarkets so lots of choice, and the nearest big supermarkets are at Elche and Torrevieja.
Cant help with buses as we have a car, but can reccommend the train to Alicante or Orihuela/ Murcia. The nearest station is one junction up the motorway at San Isidro. We have seen some buses but dont know anything about them.
There is al arge ex pat community in and around the town, and plenty of bars etc cater for the English, some are even owned and run by ex Pats.
Its a great place and I personally dont think anyone would be disappointed with the place.
Glad you like this forum, Gems. Hubby & I love Almoradi. It's about a 10 minute drive from us at Guardamar. We tend to venture there on a Saturday to the market centred around the church. We sit at a cafe around the church square &, as the song says, it's a kind of magic. In June we met up with a member from EOS & his family who introduced us to lots of others & we all sat & whiled away the hours. Steve & Jan are out there now & we hope to meet up again next week, as we leave for Spain this Friday, IF I ever get off the PC & sort the cases out. He has an apartment within walking distance of the town & they love it. His sitename's "Sten46". Send him a PM in a couple of weeks when he returns, he'll be able to tell you a few things.
Hi again, i stayed in daya nueva in june apartments palmeras,i did,nt know it was that far away from town square if you are walking, we never had a car this time.we were shown the local hospital by the rep it was,nt that far from almoradi,but in cala major street just off the square there is a medical centre,i do remember back in june waiting for a bus to guadarmar i did,not wait to long.And the saturday market is good.
Appreciate your comments. Looking forward to coming out to visit.
_______________________ GEMS
Hi Gems l also have an apartment in Almoradi about 5 mins from the town square as pickles said its great to sit there and relax and watch the world go by day or night you will find plenty of shops, bars and restaurants around the square.its also very central for visiting all the areas from the Mar Minor south of Torrevieja to Benidorm north of Alicante all with in 1hr.Regards Pat.
Hi Everyone,
My husband and I recently returned from Spain... having purchased an apt. at Luz De Almoradi. Due for completion in Oct. 2008. We were really nervous..having made our decision very quickly...and being in the area only a very short time. But reading all the positive things everyone has to say about the town and people on this forum...and other sites... has made us really excited..and happy with our decision. The apts are lovely.and .We should also be walking distance from the town centre.. That would be Something we really did enjoy on our brief visit..was a coffee in the church square. Hope we meet up some day soon. Regards, Carol
Our house is in Dolores, very close to almoradi and we will be moving out there later in the year.
We love the saturday market in Almoradi. It's an excellent place to while away the hours and sit and people watch around Plaza Constitution. (The main square)
We met Steve and Jan out there too when we last visited. We frequented the same cafes.
A very friendly and bustling, yet laid back town.
They have lots of furniture shops in the area too for your household shopping and it only takes 20 minutes to drive to the big shopping centre near Torrevieja.
Look forward to seeing you around there sometime. 
Hi Lauryc.
me and the wife are coming out tomorrow and staying near the aqua park, we would like to know where to go for furniture (not packs) any recommendations.
cheers Derek
_______________________ Despreocupado
If you hire a van there is a brilliant IKEA in Murcia about 40 minutes away.
hi Derek
I don't know where the Aguapark is.  
If you drive down the road from Dolores to Almoradi you can't miss them.
There's a British furniture place too on the Daya Nueva road out of Almoradi. I think it's called the Furniture Zone or something. They are on the web so if you have a quick google, you can have a preview. We are going to have another look when we next go over. A lot of our furniture is going with us but a lot will be needed as we have cupboards and wardrobes built in here.
We found a superb kitchen shop down that road which I thought was reasonably priced for the stuff they were selling but my OH had other ideas. 
I hope you have a good trip.
Thanks for that,
Our place is being built 20k north of Murcia
_______________________ Despreocupado
Is that Macisvenda?
And: thank you too Laury I suppose half the fun is looking , and the Aqua park is just south of Rojales. if you use Google Earth, under the search tab hit the directions button and paste this link in the first field.
"Aqua Park Ciudad Quesada © (Foto_Seb)" lat=38.071744, lon=-0.722609
cheers Derek
_______________________ Despreocupado
For Laury.
Las Kalendas just past Fortuna near Los Banos Health Spa
_______________________ Despreocupado
Hi evlou,this is tricia and dave,we have purchased in phase 3 of the luz first floor,completion jan2008.we are out there for christmas just to see how things are getting on with the build.We have only been out there a few times,but take it from us the town is lovely and there are many places to visit,in the street from the luz going towards the town theres a few bars and resturants.I dont know who you have bought your apartment from but i have a few pictures from the show house for the furniture.let me know if you hav,nt seen them.tricia
Hi Tricia and Dave......Great to hear from you.This is Carol and Danny. (AKA...EVLou...our grandaughter's name) ... We have purchased our LUZ apt through Masa....although we actually came to Spain on our own for a month..and just viewed some properties on day 1 and 2 with them. That is why we were a bit nervous. ..and stunned.. that we had acted so quickly. Having spent only a couple of hours in the area. In contrast to spending weeks in the North costa blanca....where we thought we would be living. Without a doubt...the apts offer the Best Value for the money...and hearing that Almoradi is traditional..but a lively and lovely town. Makes it very much the sort of place we wanted to live. We are Apt 306...corner top floor..looking towards the mountain. Phase 4... due for completion in Oct. 2008. I would love to see the photos of the furniture. We were on site late July.. and viewed the new showhome being constructed. It was hard to tell things. We were in the office/ come original showroom. as well. But it was very chaotic that day. So I remember very little. It is So good to chat to someone who is going to be a neighbour. Are you going to be there as a holiday home.. or permanent? My husband is retiring as a teacher..and I am a we will be permanent residents. It has been really helpful to hear from others... We are feeling much, much happier now. Cheers, Carol
Hi carol and danny,we have meet so many people in phase 1 when we came out in june to get our NIE numbers,we went in phase 1 most days to see guasatvo the bloke in the show house,he let us have a good look around different apartments so we got talking to others,who also live there permanent,also we are very freindly with others from phase 3 there is another forum on eye on spain if you have missed it just type in luz de almoradi and thats most people from phase 1 and 2.and 3 who are all very helpful anything you need to know they will help.Back to the pictures of the funiture go to vegaelx site click on promotions on the top of the page then scroll down to bottom of page and they are there not that good but something to see.we are not sure if we are going to live there straight away but will be spending a lot of time there unless we change our minds again watch this space.and by the way where are you both from just in case you live around the corner you never know.
Hi everyone,
The favourable comments on Almoradi seem to be growing. We are interested in a resale property. Evlou, I see you are purchasing your property via Masa. How did you find them? We had some information sent from them, but I am a bit nervous going on an inspection visit. I know they say there is no pressure, but......Pickles, you are buying in the same development, Have you purchased through Masa too?
Do any of you speak Spanish? I have been going to night school for 3 years. Managed a grade D GCSE this year. Not bad for someone in their 50's. (Only exam I have. Left school at 15).
_______________________ GEMS