The Comments |
Hi gems,we went out with atlas april 2006 no pressure at all on us,we did not purchase that time,we loved almoradi and new that was the place for us,phoned atlas back up in august went on another trip, we are happy with atlas and we purchased on that trip we think the service was good.I would like spanish lessons but only got a phrase book.tricia
Hi Pickles,
I think once you move out to Spain, its easier to pick the lingo up. I can read and write it better than speak and understand spanish speakers.
_______________________ GEMS
Hi again gems,all i can say is well done on your spanish,i will be learning it soon.adios
Hi Gems ...Firstly we were supposed to come out with Masa to see the properties as part of an inspection trip. They had an exhibition for spain in Derby... when I was shopping.... So I took a look. But like yourself I was very skeptical of the pressure. We had already planned to spend 4 weeks in Spain in the summer... mainly in the North Costa Blanca. So we agreed to spend 2 days at the Masa hotel near Torrevieja and see some or their properties in the South.. . I have been researching Spain for some years.. So knew about MASA..Atlas etc. and Masa did have a respectable reputation as far as I could see. They were very good at assessing our needs... with what we wanted to see.. and sticking to the budget. We did feel... that as we had such a short time..and made it clear that we were NOT in a position to buy instantly..we were rushed along.. Compared to those on the inspection trips. Who were really treated royally. Yet we had paid our own airfares etc.. The talking of Finances and locations.. began as soon as we arrived..Then the actual househunting. But it was a brilliant way to see a short time. They offered a lot of information..and we weren't especially pressured. When my husband became really interested in the Apts. and went for a second look.... that was when he was encouraged to put a reservation deposit. Why We went ahead in the end so quickly.. was that the apt was really good value... and we met some nice people who lived there. But..WE DID worry for some time.. Very Much so...IF we had done the right thing. But now we are totally sure we did. The only real complaint I would make of MASA...they never made it clear that the 3000Euro reservation paid is non refundable. We were told not to worry when we is not a contract.. We were so tired at that point.....we didn't read the fine print many papers were being put in front of us. In hind sight...many things were explained to us in the first talks. BUT...we had just gotten off a plane...and rented a car..driven unknown roads..and it didn't all sink in. I do feel MASA are reliable and will follow up any details for us. I couldn't say how well they compare with anyone else..or if they are more expensive. As I understand it..the developers charge the same price..with or without MASA.. And the developers promotions seem to support that. theory. The apt that we bought.... is priced the same sort of money online. Hope this helps a bit. Cheers for now, Carol
Hi Pickles...When we were on site at husband had a good look at the construction going on..and was well impressed. We also had a look at the office/showhouse...phase 1-2. We didn't see inside any of the apts. I wish we could have. Especially another we could see what it is like. And especially the spiral staircase to the solarium. We did go up on the roof , and We met Gustav. He was smashing... and part of ...WHY...we ended up buying instantly. Against ...ALL Common sense..and ALL..we agreed beforehand. Another Part of the reason was... We met a lovely lady in one of the lower apts. ..near the pool. She had moved in the apt in Oct. 2006...and had been back 6 times for visits. (as of July 30)..she absolutely loved it. Her husband came out of the pool and told us how much he did as well. He wanted to be there permanently..but his wife missed the children. . We came back again on day the property we were supposed to see was closed. We wanted to have a look at the plans and availability. We met a teacher called Marcie..who had bought at the very beginning. She loved it and spent all of her holidays there. And two other teachers were buying in phase 3-4. Danny was very pleased with that as he is a Maths teacher. Having 2 years until retirement..and struggling here with the stress. She felt he would easily get a job in Spain to complete his final year. So all of that clinched it. We went ahead with the reservation.. I have checked everything online that I can find on Almoradi..or LUZ Apts. I was very excited when I saw today on Vegaelx site.....that the photos of the new showhouse are on. I recognized the special finish on the doors that Gustav was so proud of. The furnishings look much better. It looks really lovely.. Our only how big the bedrooms are....and no wardrobes/storage.. Other than a small wardrobe in our main bedroom. Bedroom 2 and 3..are both shown on our diagram as singles. yet we saw the showhouses...and show 1 double..1 twin..and 1 single. Which we definitely need. We have 2 daughters..a son... and a grandaughter to spend time with us. and their partners/boyfriends. So we need the most space possible. I have Emailed Vegaelx direct all my questions 4 days ago... but no reply. I have also tried MASA..but been passed along. I now have a contact person supposed to deal with will get hold of her on MOnday. We saw only very little of the town. WE Sat in the church square and had a coffee. that was about it other than a drive through the main street. We are desperately trying to come up with the funds to return for another visit. Even just a weekend. have a good look at Almoradi..and surroundings. I think it is very important. We had planned to stop back again on our way to the airport.....but my husband was ill for 5 days befoire we left Spain... and couldn't drive the distance. We did also see a little of Guardamar beach... which was lovely. It just occurred to me..As you are moving in this might know some answers to my questions. 1. What are the community fees Approximately?... 2. Are there any Green or communal areas..(I did get a reply that a green area will be the pool in phase III and IV is on the roof. ) have you been told the same? 3. Do you know if they gave any choice of furniture? In one of the promotions I saw from phase 1 and 2..they mentioned a choice. 4. I seem to remember Collin from MASA ...stating that the apts had piped in gas... as opposed to bottled..and that was very rare to find in Spain. Do you know if that is so? Well that is it. We are really excited now..but.. we have so much to do. We still have a house to Sell..that is the biggest worry. And 3 kids to relocate. I am hoping my daughters.. (twins 22) might come out and give Spain a try. We are all trying to learn the Lingo. And follow Martine on the" Living in Spain Channel"...she is lovely. The girls surprised me by being supportive and liking the apts. My son is not so keen..and I hate the thought of leaving my grandaughter. But it is only 2 hrs away..and he is starting a new relationship...and buying his first Many things will change. My husband and I have lived only for the kids. Now we just want to "LIVE"..... Cheers for now, Carol
Hi carol,ive had a look at the charges for 1 2 phase for a 2 bed,80 to90 euros every 3 months,electric 30 euros every 2 months.Going back to what masa has told you about piped gas i dont think so its all eletric but i will ask the question again?,the green areas are in the middle of phase 3 and 4 we where told.?me and dave went in a 3 bedroom apartment on the 3rd floor which must have been the penthouse they are pretty spacious and great veiws so you dont have any worries there,we are going out for a month at christmas so i will get alot more info for you,we have booked a apartment near the luz just behind the medical centre in cala mayor st.There are many cheap flights to alicante excel airways and monarch, and you can rent a new apartment in almoardi for 100 pounds a week.The furniture pack with atlas we where told if you did,nt want it there would be a voucher,but thats not gospel. we have 2 granchildren 7 and 5 and we have 2 sons 30 and 26,im 47 and daves 56 started early.
Hi Tricia..Thank you so much for answering all of my questions. I am so over the moon. You have clarified so many issues. The only one left regarding the size of the 2nd bedroom. Which we will find out with the personal contact rep from Masa..or possibly Vegaelx will eventually reply. You have no idea how much appreciated. all of your information has been. Obviously there is no worry with Gas..if things are All electric. Which basically we are here at home..except for our heating. Colin (MASA) had been telling us about the bottle gas used around Spain. Which is the normal system. And what we encountered in all the places we stayed. I seemed to remember him pointing out the gas issue as an added bonus. BUT..very possibly it was the fact Gas wasn't necessary... and I misunderstood. In any case..I am delighted. I much prefer electric. We had requested on the reservation have air conditioning added in all rooms and fitted. We understood it to be just the preparation work that was included.. not the units. I am not sure if it will be hot/ cover winter as well. So will clarify that in time. We have now realised the storage situation...and thought of asking for a price to add wardrobes... if space allows... in the other 2 bedrooms.Those are the only things left to solve. The fact that you saw a top floor Apt.(my meaning of penthouse...not trying to be "Posh"..but what the heck!! ha ha.) is also so great. Even Dany came upstairs to read your post. it has made us really happy.We will be the corner unit. So although we now see there are a couple larger apts..don't know how much they cost..but we will have the wrap around view and lots and lots of windows. Which is Great. Also good news about the community fees. Appreciating that ours may be a bit more expensive in phase 3 and 4..and size/location differs. but it still tseems very reasonable. I was not suure what to do about the furniture deal.. I have a lot of pieces myself obviously. But they are fairly large. The new pictures of the showhouse... actually look nice. And I wasn't sure if they would offer any discount for not taking it. We would definitely stick with the it just makes it easier. Anyway.. I will try to keep my messages a bit shorter...not easy for me. But in closing...Thanks again for all your help. You must be so excited as the time is getting so near for you. So long for now Carol (btw.. I am 57..Danny 63..and we have twin daugters.age 22..Son..25..and grandaughter age 4.
Hi carol,it was the corner apartment we went in on the 3rd floor and yes there where lots of light and windows, the bedrooms where off to the right of the apartment so when you come through the main door you come straight into the living room then right to the bedrooms,air con prices you should check before you buy,if you want i can call someone who knows how much the correct price is.if you go on the forum for the luz and join we have a private message system where i can leave you my telephone number only if you want it.
sorry carol ive just seen the private message on your page so if you want a chat i can send you my phone no tricia
Hi Tricia, Sorry I didn't get back to you. We have been having loads of calls from Spain..rushing us a long a bit faster than we can keep up. We are in the process of sending back the Reservation contract ...showing we paid the deposit (3000Euros) and detailing the terms..transaction..and building structure. Even in translation..a lot of the conditions are not clear. Is it OK to sign this as is and return? Do we need anyone to look at it first? We are also in process of gathering the next installment. Which is the important one. Is it only at the end we need a solicitor?? Gustavaf mentioned something about a link for clients..and Emails. To keep us up to date.I also saw the other link to the apts..and read through the forum. I was a bit scared when I heard of some problems with a family subletting one of the apts. This was something that does concern me..IF we are OK as permanent residents. Is is a suitable and safe home? Most people seem to use them occassionally...and rent them out in between.I hope there are a fair number like us. I certainly don't want to be in an empty building for long periods.. I didn't see any results from the committee meeting. to see if things improved. Getting away to a peaceful life is our main motive for relocating to Spain. Away from The rowdy kids..and crime issues. I haven't found any mention of any problems in Almoradi. We have personally had a lot of problems in the UK..been a victim of burgled twice.and earlier this year I was the victim of an unprovoked violent attack. A local man I had never met before. It was the last straw. anyway, cheers for now, Carol
Hi carol,we had a package from atlas and they do everything for us including a solicitor at the end,unless people have a mortage then you need a solicitor before,if you get time go to the luz thread and carol and bill have just come back from almoradi,they have a apartment in phase one,and they have left a nice message.i cant answers some of the questions dont know the answers.but i do know everyone loves there apartments and almoradi.tricia
Thanks Tricia... I read the post from Bill..and many others. Everyone certainly does seem happy and very friendly. Sorry if I sounded a bit anxious..and negative. It is just the panic setting in as we realise we are definitely going to leave the UK. So many things to deal with in a very short time. Including selling our house. It just occurred to me reading through the posts..of How many people only visit now and then..Would we be very alone?? But in actual fact....when we come home here is no different. Everyone is in their own place. We can't see the neighbours...and the town of Almoradi certainly doesn't close up. People will be out and about. Which is a good well as the fact I have not read one bad comment...or any mention of any kind of problems... anywhere in the area. Only praise for how Great a Town it is. Cheers again, Carol
Hi EvLou and Pickles
Have enjoyed reading your messages. Your excitement is rubbing off on me and I have only just begun my journey. Have yet to find a place to buy. Am keen to buy in Almoradi.
Like you EvLou, I am concerned about buying a property in an apartment that is empty most of the year, particularly the winter time. I do feel Almoradi is an ideal location, and does not close down out of season, like some seaside resorts do.
It is a big step to take, buying in another country, and it scares me a bit. But you only live once. And I think to retire in this country is so depressing. Just evenings round the t.v.
Good luck to you both.
_______________________ GEMS
Hi Gems...Please believe one is more scared than I am right now. It all happened so quickly. But.....we are going to Spain...I know that is the right thing to do..and have researched for several years. My worry is we have so much to do in such a short time. A house to to help find a home..language to learn and endless papers to negotiate. All in 12 months. Twenty years in a large family truly hard to leave behind. But my husband has worked 46 years... He has had enough. I have cared for my elderly parents..had years of ill health..and now have a wonderful grandaughter I look after. But she has now started school. My son is starting a new life...with a new partner.. And buying his first home. So they are moving out. Life changes. My daughters I would love to come to Spain..but it is doubtful at present. So we need to help them find a place. My children don't want the family home to go...but no one can help us to keep it. And as retirement approaches for my husband..there is no way he can continue here. It is so expensive to live in the UK..and there is no chance to enjoy life. You work to survive. During our 4 weeks...we drove all over..and. We loved the beautiful scenery..the friendly people (vast majority) and just the chance to see life differently. Nothing is perfect..we expect to have setbacks. With our track record..we would be surprised not to. But we felt at home. . My biggest preparing and selling the house in time for the apt. completion. The Very worst part.. having to sort a lifetime of belongings. I have millions of photos...and personal momentos.The Only Downside of the apt..No storage at all. Where do All the Important things you want to keep Go?? I am hoping we can find a storage shed for the garage..and maybe one for the roof terrace. Any suggestions from those already having moved.. would be most .appreciated. Good Luck Gem....I Hope you find what you are looking for. CArol
Hi all
Here if you want to see some pictures of the area Have a look at this site
Almoradi offers a taste of the real Spain, still being close to the coast and holiday area but far enought away........its warm and friendly locals will make you feel quite at home, the town square is only a five minute walk with its impressive church and plaza a busy meeting place in the evenings to sit and have a glass of wine or beer and relax and soak up the atmosphere, with a wide variety of local restaurants to entice your taste buds, numerouse bars, tapas bars, icecream parlours, take aways & supermarkets. Try the newest Spanish bar 300 yards away, sample traditional tapas and ice cold local beer pumped to your own table to serve yourself. Lots of expats here these days buy thankfully still lots of Spanish locals.
There is a bustling saturday street market which takes over the whole town attracting visitors from afar with everything from traditional spanish delicasies to local crafts are to be found on offer, come in the summer months and witness and many spectacular local fiestas. Almoradi is an excellent base to stay and relax, or to explore further afield the Costa Blanca area which offers so much to see and do. Often in the summer months you can sit and listen to a band here.
We llive in Albatera, have been here over 3 years now but have been to this time on several occasions. Each time I visit I notice it getting more and more popular only 15 minutes from the coast so a great location.
This message was last edited by shar on 9/11/2007.This message was last edited by shar on 9/11/2007.
_______________________ Shar
Hi Shar
Thanks for all the tips on things to see and do in Almoradi..and the link. It did amaze me how many Bristish were in the area. We were in Almoradi on the first 2 days of arrival in Spain...the end of July. Experiencing our first taste of Spanish towns and life. At that time, as we sipped a coffee in the church square, It seemed so far removed from Home..and we thought we were the only British people they had seen that day. What a laugh...looking at all the websites..and chat pages about the town... and even LUZ apts. by Expats. All thoroughly enjoying themselves. But still the town keeps it's traditional style... the best of both worlds. It is fantastic to read about all the facilities available..and the Bar pumping the beer will certainly be a popular spot with my husband. We were told about these bars with beer at your table on tap..when we were looking at places near El Campello. We thought it seemed a lot of fun. Now we can see for ourselves. I am sure we will have a wonderful life in Almoradi. regards, Carol
Hi EVLou
We have also bought an apartment in Luz de Almoradi, it is in phase 3. We rented an apt. in phase 1 in May for our mid-term visit and everyone we met was really friendly.
You'll probably find that there will be a few people moving out there permanantly.
Our purchase is just for a holiday home and we have booked to go out next July from 15th through to 7th August - hoping it will def, be finished by then, I think we're looking at April now although our contract states January.
I am a friend of Pickles and hopefully she may be out next summer at the same time as us and we can eventually meet as we e-mail one another privately quite a lot.
I noticed you mentioned about the garages, the garages in phase 1 and 2 are underground and it is a big open plan space with lots of concrete pillars - so I don't think you would be able to put a shed down there, but someone has put a wooden shed on the roof of phase 1/2 - whether you need permission or not for that, you may do from the residents committee I don't know.
If you enquire on the Luz de Almoradi forum here on Eye on Spain, someone in phase 1 or 2 may be able to let you know.
All the best
Sharon and David
Hi Leeabby,
Thanks so much for replying..and good to meet you. We did visit the roof terrace on phase 1 &2...when we were there in Spain. And I can remember seeing the shed. It is a worry not to find more people living there all year round.. But we are planning an unexpected quick trip there next weekend..To have a good look around the some of the residents if possible of phase 1 & 2....and generally to see what we need to adjust to a new life there. Hopefully, we will meet some other all year round potential neighbours. And can have a chat. Cheers for now, Carol
What an amazing thread.............very interesting.
We olive in Daya Nueva, other side of the road.
Love the Saturday market, however this week iy was heavy rain most of day.
Nothing better to do than sit in Que Pasa.
_______________________ ¿porque No?
Hi Ricardo
Did you, by chance, go to Daya Vieja on Sat 8th to watch the "England" / "Spain" footie match in the brand new stadium ? Hubby & I went, had the greatest fun. Georgia, who posts in this forum, was playing in it. Spain beat England 7 - 2 
We were at Almoradi market on Saturday after that too. Met EOS members & had a few drinks at a little cafe by town hall with them.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 9/26/2007.