12 Jul 2018 9:23 PM:
Back in 2006 when we paid our deposit on a placw in Jumilla, they presented us with a bottle of Jumilla wine, I vowed not to open it until we moved in, unfortunately this never happened, when we then started proceedings to get our deposit, interest and costs back, I vowed not to open it until all monies returned, thanks to the diligent work of Antoniko Guillen of gunnercooke, tomorrow I will be opening the bottle with our daughter and son in law who were on this journey with us. I would also like to thank all the eye on spain posters and anyone involved in the running of this site, for all the help over the years on different matters. Good luck to anyone on this journey and stick with it. I will still be logging on every now and then to see what is happening, it is like having an old friend.
ps hope the wine does not leave a sour taste in our mouths