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22 Jan 2011 11:21 PM:

 Dear Roberto

Your comments are accurate in that I have not yet travelled to the CDS area. It is imperative that I do to gain further insight into the region. My reservations are however that I would be travelling more as a tourist rather than a researcher. As a mediocre Spanish speaker I am limited to what research I may be able to undertake. Would you care to suggest how I could effectively use my time if I were to embark on a much needed reconnaissance to the CDS region.

Undoubtedly this is a very common question and difficult for any individual to answer. I would welcome any opinions from other members and would greatly appreciate if they could share their research experiences.


Nice corresponding with you.





Thread: On a research mission.

22 Jan 2011 11:01 PM:

 Hello Sam

Thanks for your reply.

I was unsure how long it would be to commute from Gib to Estepona.  Referring to "Google Map" can give me some indication of how far a commute would be however what does this equate to in time? Can you advise if many people commute daily from Estepona to Gib?

I would be interested if you can expand further on any advantages of schooling in a more densely populated area. Does Estepona have a greater range of schools who have more experience of accommodating ex pats? .

I acknowledge your circumstances are different as your son was born in Spain however can you comment on  non Spanish kids being welcomed into Estepona schools? 




Thread: On a research mission.

21 Jan 2011 5:01 PM:


Another thought provoking and candid response. I read elsewhere that Gib was densely populated and this was reflected by the high property prices. Your comments regarding secondary education also concur with my research to date and the particularly bleak employment prospects for young people.

In response to your question I have not decided yet to relocate. The impetus to move is mainly due to my wife who has a preference for Gib primarily because it is English speaking and feels that our son would integrate better into school there. 

We have only forwarded our CV's to an interested employee in Gib. I am merely researching as much as possible during my brief period off work.

On a parting note, your comments are again insightful, invaluable if somewhat offensive towards Georgia. I concur with Joan and add this forum should be founded on mutual respect and not as a medium to convey distasteful comments to those who may be employed in a profession that you may have contempt for. As a newcomer I would be deterred to use this forum if it was to descend into an arena to insult others.

Members have a wealth of experience and advice to impart to those who depend on research and assistance to assist those make what is effectively life changing decisions.

Any further advice, direction, experiences to date from members welcomed.






Thread: On a research mission.

21 Jan 2011 4:17 PM:

 Dear Joan

Thanks for your comments. I agree that we all have our own opinions and these are influenced by various factors such as experiences, personality and socialisation. Your comments suggest that you have a positive experience of living in Spain. I am pleased for you.

I do not regards some comments as demotivating. They are I trust based on honest experiences of others. The decision to relocate must be strenuously considered. if I were single there would be no hesitation as an an individual am confident I can adapt and survive in most areas of western Europe at least. 

I am acquiring beneficial information from sharing in the experiences of fellow members. I hope that I can maintain contact when I return back to work as presently off work due to a sports injury.


Bye for now




Thread: On a research mission.

20 Jan 2011 12:19 PM:



Thanks for your candid reply.

You make a valid point regarding my son's past difficulties settling into school and the prospect of him transferring to a Spanish public school would be as daunting for us as much  for him. Do you therefore feel that schooling in Gib would be a better option?. Your views and that of other members would be welcomed. If you or any members have any advice on accessing schools in Gib it would be appreciated as that is where we would be employed if successful with our job applications. 

I resent your opinion that my desire to relocate is selfish. The decision to move is in the interests of ALL my family. My children's welfare is paramount and instinctively I believe there is a better and more content life somewhere for us. Whether this is in Spain or elsewhere remains to be seen.

I look forward to corresponding with you again soon.


Thread: On a research mission.


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