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Soy... un hombre

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hispain's latest forum comments

29 Apr 2011 4:47 PM:

It was a wonderful feeling watching the newly-weds emerge from the church. It brought back old memories from the 80's when Prince Charles wed Lady Diana.

Seeing a royal wedding after so long brings in a proud feeling of tradition, honour and a sense of renewal that's quintessentially British.

All the best to the royal couple!


This message was last edited by hispain on 29/04/2011.
Thread: Royal Wedding Congratulations

26 Jul 2008 7:39 PM:

These are my own experiences and understanding -- When I first started learning Spanish, I got myself a tutor. There were 3 of us, including myself being taught by a 56-year-old lady tutor who spoke 6 languages :) Eventually, I started taking part-time lessons at the local college (evening lessons and on weekends) before now learning online and through conversations with others. Learning Spanish, just like any other language, is about the experience -- about "living" the language (sort of like living football in England). You learn it better when you understand the culture behind it, and when you interact regularly with people who speak the language. It's a lifelong thing; take it one step at a time (like I am).

Thread: Estudia Espana... cheap Spanish courses?

25 Jul 2008 11:47 AM:

All the very best!!

Fortune favours the brave

Thread: Selling in the UK

25 Jul 2008 11:28 AM:

Have you tried car dealerships in Spain? You can also try left hand drive companies like ThinkSpain.com -- the listings there feature cars on sale for most areas, including Alicante / Valencia.

Thread: Left hand Drive Car Wanted...

25 Jul 2008 8:57 AM:

The easiest way to get to the hearts of people is to speak the language of the land.

No matter how little you know (or speak), it works wonders with getting things done.

I think it's a lot to do with respect for the adopted land and it conveys it in no uncertain terms.

Thread: Kindness of the Spanish.


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