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jimbofinn's latest forum comments

01 Feb 2025 10:48 AM:

Try Tien21.  They are in most towns and (I believe) do free deliveries and installation.

Thread: Hola! Buenas Dias! Can anyone help, please? 🙏

15 Mar 2024 8:07 PM:

Yes you should be able to.  Any business or other organisation should prominently display that these forms are available upon request.  I believe it is also unlawful for such organisations to fail to properly display such a notice.  Simply ask for one at the the point of sale or other admin office.  They are legally obliged to provide one for you.  Have a look at this link: https://www.spanishsolutions.net/legal-issues-in-spain/hojas-de-reclamaciones-customer-complaint-forms/

Thread: Hoja de reclamations

18 Feb 2024 2:09 PM:

Have a gander at this link:   https://immigrate-spain.com/residency-in-spain/  Whilst I have not scrutinised it fully myself I'm suggesting that it will cover all the questions you need answering.  With regard to renting, providing you don't exceed the 183 day period there should be no problem in renting somewhere.  I'm also sure that you'll receive lots of advice from others on this site.  Good luck.

Thread: Hello

31 Jan 2024 5:43 PM:

I'll put my pennyworth in.  The original poster is suggesting / inferring that the only other person holding the key to the store in which the tools were stored is the person responsible for stealing them.  I don't believe that for one moment the allegation would hold up in a court of law. There are a myriad of possiblities as to how the tools went missing i.e. the 2nd key holder may have left the door open unlocked by mistake and some other person entered and removed the tools.  Someone else (a close family member perhaps) took the key and stole the tools themselves or indeed made a copy of the key for someone else to enter and steal.  If the original poster is intent on seeking justice, then it's up to him/her to make a formal complaint to the police and let them investigate.  I can't give an opinion on community issues.


Thread: Bad Community - Conflict of Interest

05 Nov 2023 8:30 PM:

I have gone through this process myself, and it is referred to as a "dissolution of property" My property was in Murcia.  I have attached the solicitors email to me and breakdown of costs that were presented to me for your info.  Obviously as said elsewhere in the replies to you, costs will differ from region to region.  You also need to be aware that if your Ex lives in the UK and has no intention of returning to Spain to complete the process i.e. signing of documentaion, then she will need to appoint a Power of Attoney to act on her behalf.  Hope you find this helpful.  My Ex did not oppose this course of action as she kept the property that was jointly owned in the UK and fortunately the split was amicable unlike yours.  Below is what my solicitor sent to me.


"Unfortunately Stamp Duties has to be paid. They are due on any document to be signed before a Public Notary and to do the dissolution of joint ownership and register it at the Land Registry, it is necessary to sign a Public Title Deed.

I made a mistake because I calculated Stamp Duties at 2% rate when in these cases the rate is 1.5%. I have calculated the Stamp Duties on the declared value of your purchase which was 215.000 Euros, however I have accessed  the website of the Region of Murcia to find out the minimum value to be declared on a property like yours, and I have worked out a value of 88.026,47 Euros. You could declare that value and it would reduce highly the possibilities of being revised the value by Murcia Tax Authorities. However if you do so, you have to take into account that at the time of selling your property, the value of your original 50% would be half of 215.000 Euros which is 107.500 Euros, but the value of the 50% you acquire now would be half of that value 88.026,47 which is 44.013,23 Euros, and therefore, the capital gain tax on you sale will be calculated accordingly"

With those to changes and not charging for searches and change of utilities, the breakdown will be as follows:












VAT (21 %)





If you decide to go ahead, we will need to have copy of the sentence of divorce in order not to pay any Plusvalia Tax at the Town Hall.

Thread: Relationship split but joint owned property


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