01 Jan 2009 2:00 PM:
Hi Everyone - I too have taken the plunge (after much deliberation) & so far so good.
After me turning them down & discussing the offer with Rory at RRP numerous times, he came back to me with an offer of no payment up front but taking the full cash from the 1st 14 days bookings. So I agreed to join under these terms. I also was guaranteed the 2 bookings at various points in the year.
I have yet to see the links that they are supposed to have worked up yet after only 2 days I had a call saying they had a booking for a week later (ie - this current week!). So we now have some guests in there, despite it not being advertised yet (which suits me). However - the proof of the pudding will be when I get the 3rd booking and I actually receive some cash in my account.
I look forward to this happening and will report back, but it SEEMS like a promising start.
Heard of Ready Rental Property???