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len67's latest forum comments

26 Jan 2013 8:42 AM:

Hi woodbug,

                       I trust you live in spain? If the UK vote to leave the EU can you afford to stay with no medical care? and a frozen state pension? and countless other benifits that we all take for granted. And if you live in the UK what about if the company that you work for decides to relocate  to outside the Uk to be back in the EU? One large car company has already threatened to do this, try telling all those that will be on the dole how good it will be to leave the EU. As to comparing Switzland and Norway theose contries are tiny by population just a few million in each and bear no relation at all to the UKs complex social welfare, and industry. The people who will ensure a get out vote are the right wing press and media   the press will  only state the negative about the EU.


Thread: Cameron promises in/out referendum on EU


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