Barcelona Scams
"I lived in Barcelona for three years and almost everybody I knew was pick-pocketed at some point or had been targeted for a number of street scams. Even family members who would visit from the UK. This is really not on. I'm not saying Barcelona is the worst city for this, but it is still something that tourists need to be aware of before they arrive. I love Barcelona and am ashamed sometimes when I hear stories of what happens to innocent visitors just trying to have a nice holiday somewhere beautiful."
Last Updated: 5/22/2013 9:51:33 AM
Lifetime Views: 8018
Cheap, cheerful and odd-side to Barcelona
"Once you have been in a city for so long you get to know where and how to get places easily and cheaply.. I hate seeing new people to city paying over the odds and getting ripped off. There are so many cool places to visit, eat, hangout, drink, party, chill. whatever.. for free or for very little cost. My goal is to illuminate all tourists from the tourists traps ;)"
Last Updated: 6/18/2012 9:36:52 AM
Lifetime Views: 40436
Truths about passive incomes and living abroad
"Most "passive income" literature is a lie or exaggeration. So thats why I am here because blogging is free and I want to share information with people for free and not have people scammed and buying into bogus and worthless products. There is a lot of people unemployed at the moment and with the internet only getting bigger.. can there be really ways of comfortably living just by following systems and techniques of others?"
Last Updated: 7/6/2012 3:13:52 AM
Lifetime Views: 20887