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08 Jul 2010 10:45 PM:

hi everyone for the replys

see if i can comment on a few of the replys


faro : thanks for the comments but i would like to make a few comments , you should not tar every ex pat with the same brush , there are lots of ex pats who are not even iva registerd and charge iva i agree but not all of us , when i moved here i decided to be legal because i prefered spain to the uk , i had paid yrs of tax and vat in the uk , and now live here , so only fair i support the country i live in and gain from . yes the iva in spain does seem very voluntry but i have not paid into the system for 20 yrs here so how could i justify to my self living and gaining from spain without paying into the system ?? as far as spain and tax being a farce all i will say is we all chose to live here for what ever reasons , we all would be the first to complain if we lived in england still and say the polish didnt pay into the system but took out of the system wouldnt we ? so why do ex pats do different in the sun than they do in the rainy uk ? is it sun stroke ? ????

as far as the spanish buisness's go yes the majority do or will bipass the iva if asked but i for one will not do as the spanish do in lots of ways , number one i wont go to bull fights :-P 



redsam : i supose your right and also wanted to justify what deep down i knew what i should do ! does that make sense ?

as you probably know the ex pats inland can be funny sods , cheap skates otherwise they would live on the coast if it was affordable well most of them would , and i surpose everyone needz some backing when they want or need to do something they wouldnt do as a rule , if there was a way of getting the gaurdia to give them a talking to to give them a chance to go legal then i wouldnt hessitate for a moment , but if i denounce them then it will wreck their lives or maybe they just want to go back to the uk LOL  , thanks for the offer of reporting the guy claiming disabilty but i can do that as thats easy to do on the hush hush .


seashells : i agree as a visitor in reality to spain i do not and do not want to do what the spanish do illegally , i moved from the uk  because i did not agree with the way the uk was , so why would i contridict myself and do what i hate in the uk here ??


guslopez thanks for the link ;-) , as for the spanish builders they are proberbly either thinking of the lose of business as i am and also the majority are illegal as campo life is so black its unreal , even the town hall employs on the black ! but i have never done as the romans have done even when i was in rome ;-)





Thread: a hi and advice needed

07 Jul 2010 9:29 PM:

thanks for the replys so far , and deffernatly not the answers i had thought i would get , i thought i was going to be shot down and pleased i wasnt , and got to say sorry for the ramble on , just read it back and i didnt even know i could of wrote so much without thinking lol !

 I know you can do a denuncia online but you ve to give dni or nie so dont think thats on the hush hush and knowing how clicky the ex pats are here if they find out i have reported another ex pat i might as well shut up shop well to the english anyway and the spanish have got less money than the ex pats so they normally use spanish builders "keep it in the family" so to speak

 anyway just to confirm the ones who do jobs for pin, shoe , drink money a few hours here and there i cant complain about as it is tuff for everyone , everywhere and think we have all done some of it at sometime but when people do it and earn 1500+ a month total tax free and have other income it just winds me so i do tend to rabbit on ;-) specially when ya have been thinking what to do for as long as i have .


Thread: a hi and advice needed

07 Jul 2010 12:00 AM:

just wanted to say hi and appologise in advance as this might upset a few people but wanted to ask some advice ,

I have been in spain for 8 yrs now and live in a small villiage inland , i have been a fully legal builder for some 5 yrs now with a s.l company . so i have been paying taxs and social payments since day one , In our villiage there are lots of illegal builders close but there are two which are now working 6 days a week telling people they are legal how ever one is retired from the uk and does not pay taxs and is not autonomo or owns a registered company so does not pay into the socail system at all , the other is claiming disabilty benifit from the uk and again telling ppl he is legal builder as he pays taxs on his benefit in the uk ! uptill now i have turned a blind eye to them all , but now they are following me when i go to give quotes and under cutting me ( which is easy done when you dont have to pay iva , taxs , accountants bills , social payments and so on) and because the state of spain at the moment ie almost bankrupt i think it would be better for andalucia and me as well if i reported them for doing what they are doing , and before you all start ranting at me for wanting to be a grass to the authoritys below is my opinion .


we all moved to spain for a better life

most of us moved to spain for a more relaxed lifestyle

most of us living here want to stay here

most of us have complained about illegal workers in the uk when we lived there to friends or family

so if all the ex pats went illegal (working on the black) ie the bars , the legal builders , the lawyers and so on how happy would we all be ? the people who are working ilegally are having there taxs paid for by the people who are legal hence self employment is so dam expensive here ! everyone who has a company here or is legally self employed will always say its very expensive here to be legal and it will only get more expensive the more of us who dont pay into the country we now live in !

I made a commitment when i moved to spain and in return for the hospitals , doctors , police and a more desirable lifestyle to the uk i paid my taxs and social ! so enough is enough in my opinion i know every ones struggerling but when someone decides they want to do something to make a living out of and its illegal and do it my expense i think ive got the right to get the hump ? the ones who do the odd job just for drinks money or to survive is a totally different thing in my mind .

 so before you have a rant ask yourself these things , when you was in the uk working and you paid your ni and tax then one day you lost your job because the company was loosing money because there was someone doing the same thing but not paying taxs or vat or ni so they could always under cut you on price , how would you feel ?

how many of us have said the following when we was in the uk " dole scrounge " dole dosser" and so on ? at least they have deductions made to pay some back into the system ! the majority of ex pats in spain seem to be either doing or encouraging worse when we either employ a illegal worker for something or work on the black  ,


so onto my main question should i report them ? and if so who to ? can i do it annonymously or do i have to do it in person ?

and  if you think i shouldnt why not ?






Thread: a hi and advice needed


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