Dear Laura,
I just wanted to comment how commendable it is of your law firm to offer us free legal advice joining our resident lawyer.
I just have a few questions to ask you for which I would kindly request a straightforward yes/no reply without extending yourself.
1.- As you will be replying to our legal queries on this thread on behalf of your law firm, are you a qualified lawyer yourself ? I've had unpleasant experiences in the past in Spain with people whom posed as solicitors giving biased and vested advice when they were not even trained solicitors.
2.- Are you a marketing expert?
3.- Are martinez echevarria or Legal Independence the exclusive and only recommended law firm of real estate agency MacAnthony Realty International (MRI) for Spain as well as many other countries ?
4.- You mention your law firm has offices in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Turkey, Brazil, Morocco, Egypt, Romania and Bulgaria. Aren't those the same countries where MRI sells overseas properties?
Thank you for your input Laura, I appreciate it.