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poohbear's latest forum comments

28 Feb 2011 12:00 AM:

We are driving to fuente alamo from notts on the 4th of March. If anyone needs stuff bringing then we have space in the van. 

please reply asap to book



Thread: van coming to fuente alamo area from midlands

24 Jan 2011 12:00 AM:

Hi everybody

We are travelling to Fuente Alamo from Notts on the 5th of march.

The van is empty so If anyone wants some stuff bringing, let me know by replying to the blog or ringing +447976954988 and maybe we could sort it.

Thread: empty van coming to spain from notts UK to mazzaron area

02 Jun 2009 7:54 AM:

Hi there - If you go onto a wireless dongle for your internet connection and have a cheap mobile phone provider, you don´t need a landline at all.  Our company always check the signal in your area so the connection is guaranteed before you order.  Everything is in English as well ! Call me on 644150724 for further details.

Thread: Can you ditich your Landline?

16 Dec 2008 3:02 PM:

Hi there

I am not sure, but knowing the Spanish system its is discriminatory towards women, so perhaps not.  You will have to check with a solicitor.


Thread: Self Employed - need help

21 Nov 2008 12:00 AM:

Hi everyone

Want some friendly advise about Working in Spain.....be very carefull.

Firstly you need to be legal, dispite what anyone may tell you about paying tax in England, being retired or any other reason they may come up with for not being in this system.  Being legal is expensive, but it has benefits i.e. the social system and insurance etc...  Autonomos means that you work for yourself, but watch out if you are a married couple as you cannot legally employ your spouse when you are autonomo.  Your spouse has to go self employed as well and even if they are linked to your business they will still pay alot of money (175 euros a month in my case).  Also, don´t forget that this is to be paid every month, whether you are earning or not.  You can come off the system, but you have to pay to be re-registered. You have other options like having a LTD company, but this is too expensive for the small businesses!

Get yourself a good accountant / lawyer to set you up in the system. Go on recommendation from established business in the area.

You don´t have to just be careful about someone bubbling you for working illegally (this is happening alot now with people who are legal denouncing those who aren´t)  The other thing about not being legal is the Control, who can pop up at any time. When Control come you have to give them your details (I assume they can ring the police if you refuse) and you can claim all you like that you are working for a mate, working for free, doing someone a favour....none of this will wash. These people report you to the local Hacienda and they check up to see if you are legal and registered to do that type of work. Because your profession is noted, they can also fine you for doing other work not related to it.

Please note that we are legal and have just been fined alot of money for letting a mate do us a favour and carry some heavy stuff for us. I have direct experience with these people and the authorities and can guarantee that anyone caught in any illegal situation will be fined.  Also, there is no way of finding what is and isn´t legal until it happens to you, or to someone else you know.

Please take care, be legal, don´t risk it .... its not worth the hassle

Thread: Watch out, watch out, the Control is about


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"Fighting the Spanish system to make a successful and profitable business"
Last Updated: 8/1/2008 12:20:41 PM
Lifetime Views: 18641

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