Not quit true Rob, if you live in the city or town then Telefonica may be the only way to get internet.
We live in the campo, too far from the exchange to get ISDN but we do have a Telefonica line, we don't use the main phone that much as we find Skype to be very cheap and reliable about £30 per year for unlimited to most of Europe. I suppose we should get rid of the Telefonica line now.
Being a bit of a techno freak I have managed to get the pc connected to the main phones so we use Skype now like any normal phone, we even have a UK local phone number with the Skype package so friends and family can call us cheaply too.
For Internet we use Rural Internet which is a wireless network and is mostly reliable and not too expensive, the price for the internet and Skype would be about the same a normal calling and internet with Telefonica or a little cheaper.