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Rogues Gallery - the name and shame blog

I love living in Spain, but there are a few things that get on my nerves, eg the bureaucracy, the police, the litter, customer service and people who don’t pay me what they owe me. I’ve decided to name and shame these scoundrels, plus certain Spanish companies and official bodies, such as the police, on this new blog.

Rogues Gallery - Public Enemy Number 1
Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 11:04 PM


I have quite a long list of people, public bodies and companies which have “swindled” me here in Spain that I plan to “name and shame”.

Brexit: Después de la salida el final apenas comienzaHowever, there is one man who is NOT here in Spain, nor he has “done me over” personally.

Yet his behaviour over the last six weeks, not forgetting his criminal record, means that he more than deserves to be “named and shamed”.





Trump talking through his a**e [Vektor Stock]


Who is it?Brexit: Después de la salida el final apenas comienza

If you haven’t guessed, that man is Donald J Trump, who, despite being a convicted felon and a thoroughly unpleasant and vindictive man, was inexplicably elected as president of the USA and de facto leader of the western world last November.

After his inauguration on Monday, January 20, 2025 this racist, sexist, anti-establishment figure and all-round evil person has unleashed his warped vision on the world.







Trump loses his temper [Vektor Stock]


What has he done?

Brexit: Después de la salida el final apenas comienzaThe “Orange One” claims to be a deal-maker, yet he has plunged the world into chaos.

His import tariffs are only going to damage the US economy.

His “cosying up” to Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, threatens to destabilise eastern Europe.

Trump has upset the whole of western Europe, the European Union and NATO. The only dissenter is Viktor Orban, president of Hungary, who is Putin’s pal.


The "Orange One" [Cartoon: Shutterstock]    

Trump has also provoked China into action against the West.

The official nuclear powers in the world are the USA, France, the UK, Russia and China. However, it is believed that North Korea, India and Iran have unofficial and unapproved nuclear weapons, ie they are illegal.

It is widely believed that Trump is after the Nobel Peace Prize if he can bring peace in the Ukraine and Gaza. Yet over the last 40-odd days he’s done everything to make this seem very unlikely.

Trump has been offered an unprecedented second state visit to the UK and he has received a written personal invitation from King Charles III.


What happens next?

Brexit: Después de la salida el final apenas comienza

In the light of his actions over the past week, if that invitation is not cancelled or postponed indefinitely, it will be a much-watered-down version, with no visit to Buckingham Palace, no pomp and ceremony and polite but short shrift from the monarch.

Trump, with all his arrogance, has f**ked himself good and proper.

Even more traditional fellow republicans are against him. If an assassin doesn’t get him, his own party will.

I predict that impeachment and gaol is the future for DJT.

Let’s hope so!


Trump in gaol [Cartoon: Red Bubble]    


© The “Namer and Shamer”



Cartoons by Red Bubble, Shutterstock and VektorStock



anti-establishment figure, arrogance, assassin, China, companies, convicted felon, criminal record, damage the US economy, deal-maker, de facto leader of the western world, destabilise eastern Europe, DJT, Donald J Trump, European Union, evil person, fellow republicans are against him, France, gaol, Gaza, impeachment, import tariffs, India, Iran, much-watered-down version, “name and shame”, “Namer and Shamer”, Nobel Peace Prize, no pomp and ceremony, NATO, North Korea, no visit to Buckingham Palace, official nuclear powers, peace in Ukraine, people, personal invitation from King Charles III, president of Hungary, president of Russia, president of the USA, public bodies, racist, Red Bubble, Russia, sexist, short shrift from the monarch, Shutterstock, Spain, “swindled”, The “Orange One”, Trump, unapproved nuclear weapons, UK, USA, unprecedented second state visit to the UK, upset the whole of western Europe, VektorStock, Viktor Orban, Vladimir Putin, warped vision


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lenox said:
Sunday, March 9, 2025 @ 9:24 AM

He won the elections twice - both times against women (which, I think, shows more about the Americans than it does about Trump).
As you say, a dangerous and nasty individual
(Oh look who is about to comment...)

PablodeRonda said:
Sunday, March 9, 2025 @ 10:37 AM

lenox, do you mean BrainwashReigns by any chance?

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