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Rogues Gallery - the name and shame blog

I love living in Spain, but there are a few things that get on my nerves, eg the bureaucracy, the police, the litter, customer service and people who don’t pay me what they owe me. I’ve decided to name and shame these scoundrels, plus certain Spanish companies and official bodies, such as the police, on this new blog.

Rogues Gallery – the name and shame blog
Friday, February 7, 2025 @ 9:33 PM

I love living in Spain. I’ve been doing it full time for over 16 years, but there are a few things that get on my nerves, eg the bureaucracy, the police, the litter, customer service and people who don’t pay me what they owe me.

I’ve been diddled umpteen times, and I am owed quite a lot of money by people, but NONE OF THEM ARE SPANISH.

The only people who have “done me” are British, Irish, and Germans.

And they’ve all got away with it! I can’t afford to sue them, if they’re still around, or they just do a “moonlight flit”.

Astonishingly, there is no extradition treaty between Spain and the UK.

So, I’ve decided to name and shame these scoundrels, plus certain Spanish companies and official bodies, such as the police, on this new blog.



I understand that I may do this so long as I do not name the individuals concerned.

In line with journalistic tradition, I am permitted to use their first name and the initial of their surname, as is normal throughout Europe. Not in the UK of course, where anonymity is guaranteed. If I were an alleged “criminal”, I would be Paul W. here in Spain.

But I’m not, so that’s alright.


Coming soon


Rogue 1 - Neil G.

- from Toxteth, Liverpool - owes me in excess of €6000.


Rogue 2 – Aqualei

– a wáter treatment company – DON’T TOUCH THEM WITH A BARGEPOLE!


Rogue 3 – Borja X.

– the main cause of the problem with Aqualei.





Rogue 4 – Julian M.

“wide boy” from Leeds who “torched” my vehicle then skipped the country.


Rogue 5 – Policia Local

– long history of parking fines, most of which were wrong!


Rogue 6 - Gertraud F.

– a German horse trainer looking for a property. Didn’t pay me for my services.


Rogue 7 – Telephone companies

-YOIGO are particularly bad.


Rogue 8 - Guardia civil

– for unjust traffic fines.


Rogue 9 - Jose O. (nickname Robaperros)

– a dog thief and dog abuser. In gaol for other crimes.



Rogue 10 – Algatocín "cock teaser"

– says it all, really. Refused to pay me what she owed me.


Rogue 11 – Trish Z.

Irishwoman who lived in my house for two years and never paid me rent.


Rogue 12 – Amanda Mc.

Scotswoman who rented my house, but left suddenly without paying the final month, taking bedding, towels and other items with her.


© The “Namer and Shamer”





Photos and Images:

ABC, Centre for European Reform, Consorcio de Bomberos, LovePanky, The Irish Times, YouTube 



Algatocín, Amanda Mc., Aqualei, ABC, Borja X., British, bureaucracy, Centre for European Reform, cock teaser, Consorcio de Bomberos, customer service, dog abuser, dog thief, DON’T TOUCH THEM WITH A BARGEPOLE!, extradition treaty, gaol, German, Germans, Gertraud F., Guardia Civil, horse trainer, Irish, Irishwoman, Jose O., Julian M., Leeds, litter, Liverpool, living in Spain, LovePanky, “moonlight flit”, name and shame, name and shame blog, Neil G., official bodies, parking fine, people who don’t pay me what they owe me, police, Policia Local, Robaperros, rogue, Rogues Gallery, Scotswoman, scoundrels, Spanish companies, telephone companies, The Irish Times, The “Namer and Shamer”, Toxteth, traffic fine, Trish Z., UK, water treatment company, wide boy, YOIGO, YouTube 




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lenox said:
Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ 11:31 AM

I think I can beat you on the amount ripped from me by sundry Brits over the years. You know at least one of the stories.
Now I live quietly on a tiny pension with the one advantage that, these days, I'm not worth the trouble.

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