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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... British - living here 6 years

Vivo en... Torrevieja

Me gusta... Internet, video, football

Trabajo de... Self-employed

thisisspain's latest forum comments

30 Nov 2013 3:50 AM:

Please read the article carefully: it quotes MAXIMUM state pensions and NOT minimum (=the ones most people get) pensions. 

On that basis, Spain does very bady

Single: 547 euros per month Couple 752 euros 


This message was last edited by thisisspain on 30/11/2013.
Thread: Benefits in Europe: country by country

05 Feb 2012 8:07 AM:

Spain is in a mess.

This weeks unemployment figures were again depressing. Unemployment is at record levels and there seems no sign of it being capped never mind being reduced. The PM is fearing a General Strike. Spanair go to the wall after the Catalonian government refuse to throw more money at it. Nobody answers my questions (a) why did they buy in and (b) why did they continue to throw money at an airline where the losses were more than the income! (Malev's departure won't help either!) Spain has 1,5 million empty houses and ca 3 million homes for sale. Youth unemployment is at 44% and adult unemployment may well hot 25%.

There have been many in denial for many months but even some of the überpositive brigade are having to realise that things are very tough here for the AVERAGE Spanish family. (Let me ignore expats for a moment) 

I was always told by my elders that to resolve a problem, the first thing one must do is recognise it, then decide on what to do and finally see any resolution through. 

The biggest problem was the greed of the 90s. Especially in the property markets, people prostituted themselves with the family jewels and many (if not most) building projects ended in tears. Hopefully those coming out of denial can now come up with some solutions. Rajoy has failed to impress so far and the PSOE conference has been a complete farce this weekend with nobody seemingly accepting that they had been in power for 8 years! (So, if there are "deep-rooted problems" that need to be addressed, the PSOE caused them and had two mandates to resolve them. They are not deep-rooted over the past 75 days!) 

As for the expats on the coast, sadly, many many of my friends are returning. Those that tried to work here without sufficient skills, resources, contacts etc. Yes, they are being replaced by a FEW, just a few, VERY affluent Russians but even talking to a Russian estate agent friend of mine, she is not expecting a flood. 

I am very fortunate, I have been here 10 years+, have no mortgage and no car finance. What keeps me comfortable though is that I earn 99% of my income from outside of Spain. I work online 24/7 and apart from the odd translation and a few bits of local advertising fees I earn nothing from Spain. Realistically, if I were reliant on Spain, I'd have to move on. Spain, is a land of opportunities and some with big pockets, much fortune, skills and professionalism, a huge work-rate will do well here. For the others, I see challenging years. 

All that said, I love Spain and in my heart of hearts KNOW it will bounce back. There is a tenacity about the Spaniard that I am sure will ensure that the country comes back stronger and fitter than ever. A new generation of Spaniard is coming through - more international and more cosmopolitan that can lead the country in the public and private sectors. I believe there will be less dependency on the enchufe and the family and more focus on professional working and management practices. 

As for the costas, Spain has been the preferred choice for many years. With increasing fuel costs and more Northern Europeans concerned about the environmental damage of long-distance tourism, Spain will come strong. Troubles in Egypt and other countries in the Middle-East and North Africa will I am sure help this year. Certainly the tourist figures for the year are looking very positive. Here's hoping! 





Thread: How Spain has changed in 10 years....??!!!!

08 Jun 2011 2:53 AM:

 Yes, ELS have ceased trading. 

I understand a group of their ex-clients have grouped together to seek redress. 

Thread: European Legal Solutions (ELS Solicitors) Fuengirola

31 Aug 2009 6:49 PM:

Just some general observations about driving in Spain:

Parking ON roundabouts is obligatory. If you will be more than 30 mins then putting your blinkers on covers all known sins.

Parking on zebra crossings is, in fact, highly recommended especially if you can double-park at the same time. If the crossing is also near a crossroads that's great and it's even better if it is by traffic lights. That way you can annoy the most people in the least time. This leads them to think that the "slightly" dangerous manoeuvre they took at the Habaneras roundabout was in fact OK.

If you overtake on the inside you have every right to abuse the guy who nearly knocked you off as he was turning right. This is particularly relevant if you are 2-up on a scooter etc and neither of you are wearing helmets.

Although to others it might seem dangerous it is actually OK to speed up any dual carriageway 2-abreast on your motos. Talking to each other is equally totally fine especially if you are both also on your mobile phones at the same time.

If you are drop dead-gorgeous, with a figure to die for wearing a sprayed on T-shirt and a visible thong, please be assured that this is NOT distracting to other drivers. Men would not notice and women would not scream at their husbands "keep your eyes on the road and keep your eyes off that tart. She is young enough to be your granddaughter."
"It is perfectly acceptable to be travelling at 60kmh on a toll road weaving from lane to lane whilst you text your mistress to tell her you're on your way there whilst talking to your wife on the other phone complaining that your xxxx boss has sent you to Madrid again"

The other section that is overlooked is the "It is compulsory to double or even triple park on zebra crossing - particularly the ones on busy x-roads. If you think you will be there for more than 15 minutes then put your blinkers on but if you are only going to queue in the bank, correos or whatever just wind the windows down and tell your 6 year old passenger to tell anybody that you'll be back soon." They will understand as they do the same themselves. If you completely block the road doing this it does not matter as you only stop people going to work and they hate the job anyway, so they should be grateful."


Thread: Finally found a copy of the highway code and set out below a rough translation:

09 Oct 2007 4:01 PM:

Hi Jenna,

Good Luck - my ex-wife worked the Yorkshire clubs and over here I've put on dozens of gigs. There are literally hundreds of "Musicians" trying to earn a crust - often trying to support themselves entirely by doing a few acts per week. Most are second-rate and would be paid off in the UK but there are also some class acts,

If you are good there is work but you will be your own "agent" (advertise in the Coastrider is a good start) and be prepared for irregular work and lousy money. I'd guess that more than 50% of the English bars over here on the Southern Costa Blanca now put on some type of live music so just by being better than the rest should guarantee you bookings but you'll probably have to work a different bar every night - some even do afternoon spots especially at weekends. You may have to compere the karaoke too in some bars. It's a tough life but, that said, there are worse places in the world to live.   

"The more sophisticated establishments" ..... I'd like to FIND them never mind work them. This is not Marbella or Altea. You'll have football on on one screen or more (hopefully with the volume off!), people playing pool or darts and others eating their "Yorkshire Pud just like granny made it." Welcome to the Vega Baja!

Look forward to hearing you "live"


Thread: Does anyone know?...and opinions please!


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