23 Oct 2014 11:02 PM:
Hi im not sure if im posting in the right place here , but need a little advice, thank you
Earlier this year our new president called our AGM. our administrator/secretary was "working abroad" for a couple of months and asked for the meeting to be called a couple of months late. This was done ,however the administrator/secretary then said she was ill could we again cancel the AGM . The AGM was finally called for August , the AD/SEC didnt attend saying the meeting was illegal but they didnt say why. The admin company was voted out and a new one was voted in, a new secretary was also voted in. However since the AGM we havnt gone any further , the old admin will not accept the vote and will not hand over any of the complexs books to either the president or the new administrators. They and the old president worked in office together for years, they voted for what they wanted ,they rigged proxy votes at meetings had a total disregard for us as owners or indeed Horizontal Laws. Fortunately we finally managed to oust the old president but the old administrators are standing their ground and as usual taking no notice of our vote or horizontal laws which we abided by to legally vote them out . Where do we go from here , what authorities can we go to ,to MAKE them give back our books . Thank you
Administrator wont budge