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Soy... un hombre

Vivo en... Bangor, Northern Ireland and Coto Real, Duquesa

Me gusta... Music and all things Spain

Trabajo de... Self Employed Sales & Service Company

wflem007's latest forum comments

16 Feb 2011 11:58 PM:

Hi Nick

If you are taking the UK court route, is this through the (newish) European Directive ?

Hi Tinto

You only need to use the Spanish court system for Spanish Owners plus I think two other nationalities. Under the new European Directive you can pursue the other European nationalties (UK, Ireland, Germany etc) through their own national courts.

It just takes a matter of weeks.

You can get more information here www.communityfees.com whom we use on our Urbanisation with great results without costing the Community a cento

Thread: long term debtors

03 Oct 2010 1:59 PM:

I would like to echo John's reply.

Our Community has used Steve Kettlewell for over a year now with great success. At all times we have found him and his team work very professionally and I personally have no difficulty in recommending him to any other Community (and have done so on very many occassions) and will continue to do so with complete confidence.

Before engaging Steve to act for us, we went through due process, and our Community solicitors completely approved and sanctioned the use of Steve and the European Directive he uses.

Steve gives Delinquent Debtors every chance to bring their accounts up to date, and goes to great lengths to do so before taking further action. We felt as a Community that we would prefer the money coming in even with stage payments and only ever sanction legal action as a very last resort, and only after several months of exploring every other avenue.

At the end of the day Community Fees must be paid -regretably there are Owners all over the Costas who feel they can have sit back, ignore their Community Fees, and requests to pay, and let everyone else suffer. They must think they are untouchable. They are not.

Personally, I think many Owners will struggle to pay their Fees but still manage to do so - they have every right to be pretty incensed when fellow Owners get shirty about paying their share.

If Owners have let their Fees rack up over a considerable period of time, they then can't complain about interest charges or penalties, that's their own fault.

Indeed we had one UK Owner who was taken through the Spanish Court - his legal bill (from memory) was almost €4000 on a €2500 debt, so anyone should be thankful if it's Steve on their trail at a fraction of that cost.

Thread: UK Debt Collection Agencies

06 Oct 2009 12:08 PM:

Just an update on the work that "Solutions" (Steve Kettlewell www.communityfess.com )has been doing on behalf of our Coto Real Community in chasing long overdue Debts.

Originally handed 7 Debtors, and within literally days, payment or payment arrangements organised with 5 of them totaling over €5000 with much more to come.

Then handed a further 4 to chase, now making 11 in total, awaiting results on these but I'm pretty confident it'll be a similar story.

If your Debtors are living in the UK, this is an extremely effective way of calling in the debts.


Thread: Community charges..... non-payers....direct action?

13 Jun 2009 12:00 AM:

Despite having our AGM on 27th March 09, we still have not had the Minutes circulated. We have queried this through the last two Board Meetings but haven't had a satisfactory answer.

As I understand it, the Minutes must be signed of within 10 days by the President (in our case, the developer) and then circulated.

We are now almost 12 weeks since the AGM, and halfway through our new Community Year.



Thread: AGM Minutes

01 Mar 2009 5:18 PM:

Not really an option now since we have made a purchase, but still waiting 14 months on getting a 30% deposit refund from our first developer.

The whole Spanish purchase and legal process is rigged against a foreign purchaser. Complaints are building up at a European level, from all nationalties, against many of the injustices.

Yes, we had an option not to buy in the first place but thinking Spain was in Europe, with at least a modicum of transparancy, we went ahead.

We bought primarily for the weather, with the culture aspect way down the shopping list. We certainly didn't buy because of the third world business practices which regretably seem to the norm here and accepted without too much complaint from many people.


Thread: Please speak English!!


wflem007' blogs

"the thoughts and observations of an Irish second home apartment owner in Manilva, or is it Sabinallis, or even Duquesa ? I'll call it the Triangle but it might as well be the Burmuda Triangle for all I understand how things work here......"
Last Updated: 5/17/2010 9:14:52 PM
Lifetime Views: 1700

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