23 Feb 2010 11:24 PM:
Hi All,
I had major problems with damp and mould in my ground floor apartment for many years and this will be our third year damp/mould free.
We had the mould killed with a bleach solution, painted the walls with an anti-fungicide treatment and then painted them with a pourous paint. Do not use any plastic paint etc as it just bubbles and lifts off the wall.
We now always leave a dehumidifier (Delonghi) on whilst we are away draining into the shower tray, The dehumidifier was purchased from Worten/Boulanger.
Ensure that the dehumidifier is a model with a humidistat, this detects the level of humidity and turns on and off as the humidity levels increase or decrease.
If I was buying a dehumidifier now I would buy a model with a pump built in so that the water was pumped from the machine into the shower tray. My dehumidifer drains only by gravity and if the fall on the drain pipe is not correct, the water collects into the tank and turns itself off when the tank is full.
Damp Problem; Advice needed...quickly!