I read Justin's article on Spain Bashing by the British press and found it very interesting. We too see some of these derogatory reports and wonder where they get their facts. They do seem to pluck many of them out of the air.
What struck me most however, was Justin's surprise that many ex-pats do not want to return to UK nor would they consider doing so.
Well I can tell you Justin, it is not only Spanish ex-pats that feel this way. There is a large British community here in the Netherlands and very few we know of would gladly return to our home soil.
We visit regularly to see family and friends, weddings, funerals etc. but the feeling of relief when we actually depart the Sceptred Isle is a strong and tangible feeling that we are escaping.
Back to civilisation is our overwhelming thought.
It might seem a little exaggerated but it is nevertheless how we feel. Perhaps the most disheartening aspect of U.K. is the attitude of our family, friends and aquantances. They still seem to believe that everything in Britain is Best, whereas, sad to say, looking at Britain from the mainland we wonder why so many believe they have got it right. They are quite the laughing stock of the rest of Europe.
The much coveted Health Service is a disaster compared to the Spanish system or the French, German or Dutch. Read the Majorcan Blog Lady in the Telegraph on line if you need any proof.
The Train Service is lamentable, but the Brits will tell us how wonderful it is. I could go on for pages highlighting stories of disaster and despair about our home land.
It is true that Britain is a beautiful country, breathtaking landscapes and fabulous architecture. No we see nothing wrong with the land. The problem as we see it is the culture.
We cannot brand everyone the same, but it does depress us to see Britain going down the chute.
Even the hallowed BBC1 News announcers cannot speak correct English anymore: Listen to them daily saying things like " Wiv gorra lorra stories for ye t'day" and many more. It seems this is necessary because the present system of education is incapable of teaching pupils to speak correctly. Therefore the media panders to this lowering of standards. There was a time when foreign pupils would watch BBC TV to improve their English, but few do now because they pick up slang and bad habits, not to mention swear words. My daughter is a teacher and tries to direct her students away from the BBC1 News. Better to listen to the world service that still has some admirable standards.
So as not to labour too many points, we would never consider going home to live permanently.
If it was necessary to move, any country within the European community would suffice, but definitely NOT Britain. The problems are immense and we don't want to share our lives with these problems.
It is true that every country has problems and none are perfect, but we have become accustomed to mainland Europe and it's gentler more caring and more civilised way of behaving and solving problems. We definitely do NOT want to return to UK. 1 week occasionally is more than enough.
Even after 20 plus years in Holland we still have language difficulties, there are many nuances and colloquialisms that are beyond our abilities. Nevertheless we have many wonderful Dutch friends and we thoroughly enjoy living here in a very beautiful, clean, well ordered and well organised and exciting land.
My apologies to those that would strongly disagree with my brief assessment, but it is how we feel.
And we are not alone, there are ex-pats in all lands that have no desire to return, though some do of course, but I suspect that they are in the minority and other forces may be persuading them.
We feel European and we wish to remain here amongst Europeans. In one currency.
There I've said my piece.