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64 photos
33 beds | 33 baths | garage | 3000m2 build
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40 photos
800m2 build
Hotel for sale in Santa Marta del Cerdo, Segovia, located at the foot of the La Pinilla Ski ...
17 photos
132m2 build
20 photos
646m2 build
42 photos
3 baths | 187m2 build
32 photos
1 bath | 62m2 build
5 photos
4237m2 plot
Warehouse for sale with all services currently in operation, located in a strategic area within ...
1 photo
70m2 build
hese are 2 independent premises, physically linked, with a total area of 70 m2. They are leased ...
33 photos
2 toilets | 375m2 build
OFFICE FOR SALE IN THE CENTRE OF MADRID. Office of 375 m² fully equipped, in the financial ...
21 photos
1 bath | pool | garage | 21m2 build
Swimming Pool
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