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18 photos
4 beds | 2 baths | 214m2 build | 120m2 plot
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52 photos
6 beds | 1 bath | garage | 329m2 build
7 beds | 4 baths | 393m2 build
19 photos
4 beds | 1 bath | garage | 242m2 build
12 photos
4 beds | 2 baths | garage | 245m2 build
92 photos
4 beds | 2 baths | garage | 600m2 build
53 photos
8 beds | 5 baths | pool | garage | 671m2 build | 1100m2 plot
We propose you this unique property, it is a large house located on a spectacular plot facing ...
28 photos
3 beds | 2 baths | garage | 168m2 build
50 photos
5 beds | 2 baths | 1 toilet | 854m2 build | 482m2 plot
Beautiful stately home recently restored with a lovely walled garden and an orchard with animal ...
7 photos
245m2 build
In the heart of Sarral, a typical low-rise town house for sale, plus two floors and a backyard. ...
Swimming Pool
Property type
Apartments & Flats
Houses & Villas
Plots, Land & Ruins
Businesses & Commercial
Mobile & Log Homes
Garages & Parking
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