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Based on your criteria, below are some businesses & commercial that may be of interest or help you find what you are looking for:
8 photos
130m2 build
Raw premises on av. Asturias in front of the cadastre.It overlooks El Cobre street (Priconsa ...
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9 photos
2 baths | 1200m2 build
Street. Seville, great ship ideal for any business 1030 m2 ship 1000 m2, front yard 30 m2.
5 photos
230m2 build
Sale or rent of local in c/ filipinos corner with c/ blas de otero.Raw premises of 230 m2, ...
1 photo
1 bath | 55m2 build
55 m2 built, 50 m2 useful.
6 photos
1 bath | 225m2 build
Local for rent street. Antonio maura ideal for any business, 97 m2 ground floor and 116 m2 in ...
210m2 build
210 m2 built, 200 m2 usefullocal sale in old mayor street, 200 m2, without conditioning. Next ...
190m2 build
Raw local in c/ san marcos nº 10It is in front of the property registry 1 and 3 and next to the ...
3 photos
580m2 build
Impressive local for sale and rentIt can be dividedLarge showcase that overlooks the Plaza del ...
1 bath | 75m2 build
Avda. Asturias, great bar in operation, with toilet, and licenses in force.
7 photos
2 baths | 110m2 build
Local in the av human rights fully conditioned with many optionsthe crazy one sells 178.000 or ...
Swimming Pool
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