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29 photos
40 beds | 10 baths | 3816m2 build | 12m2 plot
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6 photos
2 baths | 280m2 build
Sells two great premises, one of 280 square meters and another of 400 square meters. On the ...
64 photos
15 beds | 17 baths | garage | 931m2 build | 275m2 plot
76 photos
9 beds | 11 baths | garage | 510m2 build
51 photos
10 beds | 10 baths | pool | 1000m2 build
21 photos
320m2 build
Swimming Pool
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Apartments & Flats
Houses & Villas
Plots, Land & Ruins
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Mobile & Log Homes
Garages & Parking
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