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59 photos
8 beds | 5 baths | pool | 3528m2 build | 3528m2 plot
Luxury house in a small village. Conveniently located in a small village of Vall d'Albaida and ...
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35 photos
5 beds | 2 baths | 2 toilets | pool | 450m2 build | 471m2 plot
58 photos
5 beds | 2 baths | pool | garage | 377m2 build | 1800m2 plot
Charming villa boasting a distinctive black slate roof, conveniently nestled a brief drive away ...
15 photos
3 beds | 2 baths | 80m2 build
Pleasant 120m2 apartment located in the outskirts of the Valencian municipality of Terrateig. ...
4 photos
13328m2 plot
68 photos
4 beds | 2 baths | garage | 321m2 build | 121m2 plot
Imagine a place where calm and natural beauty work together harmoniously to create a haven of ...
8 photos
13 beds | pool | 7280m2 plot
Wooden Cabins Resort & house with wellness installations / 20 min from the beaches - Costa ...
21 photos
4 beds | 1 bath | garage | 520m2 build
48 photos
1 bed | 1 bath | garage | 100m2 build | 8993m2 plot
VILLA FOR NATURE LOVERS. LEGALISED VILLA. - 48 m2 shed. Possibility to build 2 more rooms, plus ...
33 photos
3 beds | 1 bath | 110m2 build | 1200m2 plot
Do you dream of escaping the hustle and bustle of the city and immersing yourself in the ...
Swimming Pool
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Apartments & Flats
Houses & Villas
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