62 photos
3 beds | 3 baths | pool | garage | 600m2 build | 11000m2 plot
Magnificent luxury villa with stunning views in Ontinyent, Valencia. This magnificent property ...
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25 photos
6 beds | 6 baths | pool | 466m2 build | 7m2 plot
24 photos
5 beds | 2 baths | 278m2 build | 3151m2 plot
45 photos
4 beds | 2 baths | 471m2 build | 7090m2 plot
37 photos
7 beds | 2 baths | 872m2 build | 16686m2 plot
26 photos
4 beds | 2 baths | 240m2 build | 2182m2 plot
52 photos
3 beds | 3 baths | pool | 520m2 build
32 photos
4 beds | 2 baths | 100m2 build | 1823m2 plot
4 beds | 1 bath | 240m2 build
41 photos
3 beds | 2 baths | pool | garage | 240m2 build | 3m2 plot
51 photos
6 beds | 2 baths | pool | garage | 390m2 build | 2991m2 plot
100 photos
7 beds | 3 baths | pool | 652m2 build | 9562m2 plot
23 photos
4 beds | 2 baths | pool | 230m2 build | 2m2 plot
63 photos
4 beds | 3 baths | garage | 350m2 build | 4345m2 plot
19 photos
4 beds | 1 bath | 291m2 build
40 photos
4 beds | 2 baths | 193m2 build
3 beds | 1 bath | 190m2 build
29 photos
5 beds | 2 baths | pool | 135m2 build | 18m2 plot
20 photos
2 beds | 1 bath | 163m2 build | 1191m2 plot
30 photos
4 beds | 1 bath | 192m2 build
22 photos
5 beds | 1 bath | pool | 791m2 build | 70873m2 plot
3 beds | 2 baths | 139m2 build | 4415m2 plot
56 photos
8 beds | 2 baths | 335m2 build
49 photos
5 beds | 3 baths | pool | 876m2 build | 4500m2 plot
5 beds | 2 baths | 192m2 build
Swimming Pool (55)
Garage (53)
Property type
All (409)
Apartments & Flats (46)
Houses & Villas (152)
Plots, Land & Ruins (38)
Businesses & Commercial (121)
Mobile & Log Homes
Garages & Parking (52)
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