Legal tip 74: Banks, dependence and autonomy.
Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 9:54 AM
Not every financial institution but some of them have these services for “dependence and assistance".
The aim of these programs is to benefit old people and in some cases, it is included the possibility of obtaining loans at very good conditions. These services intend to enhance the quality of life of the elderly men and women and to increase their personal autonomy.
These services can be hired by anyone, but are always aimed to people over 60 years, and consist of a comprehensive package covering health and social needs of them and their closest relatives.
Some services, among others: telephone contact with a doctor all day long, remote assistance, a wide range of home services (house cleaning, personal hygiene, etc.) and services for meals at home.
It is time for financial institutions to turn to real needs.
Picture fromAncianos Playa Gallery at