Legal tip 140. Spain: the property street market for europeans
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 @ 11:47 AM
Good news!:
Spain remains at the tail end of the group of the European economy. Only one among the big EU states to keep negative growth figures during the fourth quarter of this year. The economy will contract 3.7% this year.
Brussels explains with crystal clarity the reasons of the Spanish economic situation in the title heading the brief description of the situation in Spain: "Slower pace of adjustment due to structural unbalances”.
So, come and see... bargain (-30%) sunny properties everywhere, consumers rights well protected ( no developer/agent linked lawyers anymore), low interest rates... is it not nice?
Is it not the time for stronger European economies to come and see and buy?. Yes, we will include the sun and the siesta in the package.... they are not part of our "structural unbalances".
Is it not time for stronger European economies to come and set businesses here? Labor prices are quite reasonable in Spain compared to northern neighbours. That will somehow stop the force of Spain as the main employment destroyer country of Europe.
We are an Union... let´s play it out... let´s look for win-win schemes.
What do you think?
Maria L. de Castro
El ultimo de la fila de Revenque at