Legal tip 159. New money for Justice in Spain
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 @ 11:00 AM
Yes, you are right, Spain has an old fashioned, frustrating Justice operation system and its final reform and increased budget for 2010 is a great way to start the morning with… specially if you are a legal operator.
The Justice budget for 2010, which also contains significant containment measures and savings in current expenditure, amounts to 1804.82 million euros, 218.5 more than in 2009.
The money will be allocated to the following:
• Improve the quality of justice by taking organizational measures, balanced and reasonable, seeking ways to help reducing the number of cases and the over-work-load borne by the courts. I would suggest arbitration systems to be promoted by being obligatory.
• Fully incorporate our system of justice to the information technology and communication, and adjust the Civil Registrar to the reality of a modern, agile and connected society as the Spanish. Well.. it seems our techno people will get some jobs in Courts.
• Strengthening freedom and security of citizens by updating the criminal law to respond to new needs of protection. Watch the Internet! I would suggest
• Deepening the intergovernmental and international cooperation while maximizing opportunities of the European presidency. I am sure all you reading this blog will be.... happy about this?

Autumn Fern in Cantabria ( Spain ) by Artconsumer at