Legal tip 202. Oportunity to sell your house in Spain II
Monday, December 28, 2009 @ 1:52 PM
The government will control financial institutions in lending for social houses purchases through the Financial Monitoring Committee, which was formed on the 21st in December.
This is the first time this type of control exists in the history of state housing plans whose objective is to analyze the evolution of the financing of those actions protected by the Housing Plan.
The minister says that its goal is that the credit crunch, especially severe in the property sector, is not a barrier for solvent families to obtain their mortgage to access protected housing.
Two important measures are:
1. - Up to 48,900 yearly revenue families will receive a direct aid to pay the entry in subsidized housing.
2. - Individuals and financial institutions may also qualify to have their houses classified as “protected”.
The Financial Monitoring Committee will meet every six months, chaired by Minister of Housing. The formation of the Committee was attended by representatives of the following financial institutions: BBVA, La Caixa, Caja Madrid, IberCaja and CAM.
See part I of this article serie here

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