Legal tip 632. Murcia Appeal Court for Banks Liability
Sunday, November 6, 2011 @ 1:13 PM
Great new Court Decission by Murcia Appeal Court, dated this last September 2011, which establishes that Banks are liable of the refund of all deposits paid in off plan purchases, when the contract is cancelled due to delay, regardless there was an individual certificate of Guarantee or not.
Just proving you make payments to a Bank account held by the developer, Banks need to refund you, with legal interests and legal costs, regardless they were into a special account or not.
So, if you were paid just the amounts corresponding to the individual certificate of Bank Guarantee which was effectively issued to you, just ask now for the refund of the rest of your deposits, which did not have certificates of Bank Guarantees.
Excellent new for many of our Murcia clients. Great understanding of Law 57/68 again.
Keith Rule..... you are getting there!
Keep them coming!

"P9251500".Cortes de la Frontera, Málaga, Spain, by stressbone, at