Near to victims :as many Judges in Spain. Which makes me be very proud of the judiciary in Spain.
Friend and admired colleague Carlos Guerrero included yesterday in his blog a post on the fact that the Attorney of the Supreme Court is asking for new formulas to stop more repossessions.
As made for Banks, Government needs to come to the rescue of families. These new formulas need to mean that a citizen which is having his house repossessed by the Bank, will not be also facing the maintenance of a debt.
The Attorney deffends that as times and circusntances have changed so dramatically, old mortgage contracts need to get adapted to new times (interest only, extension of repayment period, higher amounts to be paid as last mortgage installment…)
Another possibility deffended by him are dations so both Banks and people assume loses.
An a final mentioned possibility is State aids for the payment of remaining debts for citizens.
The Attorney has placed a marked emphasis on the need for citizenship to work for these measures to be proposed and applied within the Rule of Law.
Maybe it is that through the work of good lawyers and judges, Case law will be created for the economy and the financial principles to be revised and its focus to be recentered in PEOPLE.
There is no other way, and it is simple. The only big problem is that we have been driving too fast and far on the opposite way, but it is just a matter of turning around
"Olvera. Spain - 07", Olvera, Cádiz, Spain, by Drumsara, at