Legal tip 741. Indemnity Actions against Lawyers
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 @ 5:02 PM
From this thread on the forum:
Indemnity actions against lawyers who did not provide Bank Guarantees to clients are also starting.
The two most effective ways for you to obtain a quick refund, if you have your contract cancelled, are at this moment:
-Actions against Bank for infringment of their obligations out of Law 57/68
-Actions against Lawyers ( their Insurance Companies) for lack of diligence/ possible criminal actions, when dealing with property conveyancing during the Real Estate/ Finantial boom.
Law firms involved are well identified and are just a few number of them, the very good new is that Bar Associations are now more active in exercising discipline against these Law Firms.
I do hope this is of help

"cruz_mayo1", foto de las Cruces de Mayo, Bormujos, Sevilla, Spain, by JosemariaSG -Meiker-, at