Legal tip 912. NEW! Law 57/68 and Huma: New Case Won by Costaluz
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 @ 1:41 PM
In Madrid, against Banco Popular.
Court Decission establishes that none of the following:
- Lack of mention of the word GUARANTEE in the purchase contract
- Lack of mention of special Bank account in purchase contract
- Lack of individual certificate of Bank Guarantee to the particular buyer
exempt Banco Popular ( who issued a Guarantee to Huma for off plan deposits according to Law 57/68) from refunding our client.
Court decission refers to inalienable rights of Law 57/68.
Client had to prove just payment into Bank account and existence of General Bank Guarantee by Banco Popular.
The right understansding is becoming commun. Success of Keith Rule action is spreading across the country.

"Colores!!!", Burgos, Castilla-León, North of Spain, by Lumiago, at