Guardamar or torrevieja

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27 Jul 2019 10:56 AM by Hgv1 Star rating in Uk / Cuidad quesada . 5 posts Send private message

So we want to purchase a second property to use for rental and before we get slated we want to do it legal and follow the guidelines so which has the best yield we don’t want LT rental prefer holiday rental. We seek your comments which would be much great full 

Love spain and the lifestyle also the local culture and local produce

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30 Jul 2019 8:31 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1936 posts Send private message

HGV...I know 2 people that are also good friends ..and they have said on many a occasion that renting to holiday makers only pays a return when you manage the whole situation yourself... they both have personal web site's and also advertise on various other commercial web sites that specialises in holiday rentals.. they also do all the change overs themselves and are always on hand to answer questions and sort out any problems that might arise when guests are staying...they both assured me that this is the only way to make it unless you are going to do it this way as opposed to just handing the keys to a agency and hope for the best I would think again for  the type of place you would have to offer it would need to be in a highly desirable area very close to everything holiday makers want that means spending big money on frontline property places like Punta Prima come to mind good luck anyway.



This message was last edited by windtalker on 30/07/2019.

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30 Jul 2019 10:57 AM by Hgv1 Star rating in Uk / Cuidad quesada . 5 posts Send private message

A very good point windtaker. yes your correct and we would manage the property ourselves and also we dont do things ilegal , we want to do things legal and make sure who ever rents the property enjoys the span lifestyle. 



Love spain and the lifestyle also the local culture and local produce

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30 Jul 2019 11:30 AM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

You could always engage a reliable legal cleaning company, one well established with a good reputation.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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