Aifos Demand Letters

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12 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by ambermorgan Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

We completed on Angel De Miraflores in May 2006 and we were horrified in January  2009 to find a letter from Aifos saying we owed them 1495 euros. Of course we ignored it but now got a legal letter for court action. Does anyone know if they can do this. Who else has had any correspondance?

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12 Feb 2009 11:07 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Have they stated what it's actually in relation to?



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13 Feb 2009 5:26 AM by ambermorgan Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Justin yes it came in Spanish but this is the 1st letter converted.

"Following the internal audit that we have made our company and in particular regarding the promotion of Angel Miraflores, Block 1, xxxxxxx which is located the house you bought by private contract formalized through dated 09/11/2002, it has to work certificate dated 07/11/2005, by the time the property is at your disposal. Bringing you the deed dated 22/06/2006, having found a balance in our favor, to be paid by you to 1459.22 euros.

This closure includes all expenses and supplies that our business has made on its behalf in accordance with agreed terms neustras. Fifth, tenth and eleventh of the contract amounts to which we have discounted due to the provision of funds was received from you in the act of formalizing deed.

That is why, so we need to ensure that the reasonable period of 15 days from receipt of this notice, to enter the C / C 2048-0176-43-0340001923 euros the amount of 1459.22, making record on their income data or reference to this communique, agreeing to send an immediate proof of that income.

If necessary, do not hesitate to contact our department for financial management, andalusia Telephone 952921200, who will treat you properly, explaining each of the concepts that correspond to its liquidation in particular."

The second one threatens court proceedings. At least two other residents in our block have them. I sent the first one to our Spanish solicitors over two weeks ago but have heard nothing. In Spanish can Aifos do this. We paid everything that was billed to us. The no on the Aifos letter by the way is not operational which makes me wonder if it is a scam.

Aifos are in liquidation aren't they? Are they just trying to claw money from innocent people?

Any advice would be welcome. Obviously we are in UK so not alot we can do from here.





This message was last edited by ambermorgan on 2/13/2009.

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13 Feb 2009 3:28 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

That looks very dodgy to me.  I don't think Aifos are in administration just yet but some of the suppliers have applied for it for Aifos to try and get some of the money owed to them.

They are obviously trying every trick in the book to get come money in.

I would pressure your lawyer to sort this out.  This can't be legal.

Best of luck with it.



Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain

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14 Feb 2009 6:48 AM by ambermorgan Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Justin thre anr alot of the residents now with these letters and the demand figures are all different! The spreadsheet attached to mine outlines interest paid against mortgage for period whilst completed to habitation licence granted. This could be why there are differences in demands.


Our solicitor is proving difficult to get hold of and I am going to have to pay a friends spanish solicitor to act on our behalf.

I understand Aifos have the creditors in. 

I will keep you posted of progress as we hear it, but I wonder if other Aifos developments recieved these. 

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14 Feb 2009 8:02 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

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Good luck!


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



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