In 1901, a pathway was built across the El Chorro gorge to provide easier access to the hydroelectric plants at the nearby falls. It took four years to finish. Today, that pathway, considered one of the most dangerous in the world, regularly draws visitors hoping to cross it. 
Caminito del Rey is 3 km long and it lies along the Gaitanes Gorje walls from Ardales through Antequera and ending at El Chorro. It is located in the province of Malaga. It is only one hour drive away from Malaga, about 64 km North of it, via A-357.
The path can be accessed via El Chorro, a small village, which is also one of the main climbing resorts in Europe, due to its proximity to the Gorge of Gaitanes and also due to its highlight: El Caminito del Rey.
Twenty years after the pathway was completed, King Alfonso XIII crossed the pathway for the inauguration of a new dam. This led to the pathway's modern name, "The King's Little Pathway," or "El Caminito Del Rey." After the King's crossing. However, the pathway began to fall into disrepair.
The path itself runs 100 meters above the river below and is only 1 meter wide. It has no handrails and some of the concrete path has fallen down the gorge, leaving only a steel beam left in place. While it is not recommended to attempt a crossing (in fact it is currently illegal), there is a cable running the length of the path one can clip onto. However, the integrity of this cable is unknown. Between 1999 and 2000, four deaths occurred due to the instability of the path. As a result of these deaths, the government has closed both entrances.
In March 2014 restoration works were started jointly by the regional government of Andalusia and the local government of Malaga. The Caminito del Rey is expected to be renovated by March 2015 when it will be safe to walk on it. Currently there is a fine of 6000 euro for hiking the path or the train tunnels (including jumping or climbing to their closed access points).

Inauguration Photo with King Alfonso XIII