Salt is probably the most ancient condiment used by Mankind. Romans and Phoenicians used to collect sea salt from beaches throughout the Balearic Islands. One of the most important locations is a natural 3.5 km long beach on the southeast of Mallorca, which is also one of the most unspoilt areas in Mallorca. During the mid-20th century, the Salt Flats of Es Trenc (Las Salinas) were the centre of much activity for salt producers in Mallorca. Since then the tradition has continued: harvesting ecological sea salt from the flats which are irrigated by crystalline water from the Mediterranean Sea. The salt accumulates on the surface of the water and is bathed in summer sunshine producing precious crystals called “Flor de Sal” (Salt Flowers).
This area of Mallorca boasts the ideal conditions for the creation of this very special natural product. The water is crystal clear and a gentle inland breeze blows throughout the summer months favouring the crystallisation. Each salt crystal carries a very different mineral composition from other sea salts or your average table salt.
Flor de sal is the purest and most precious form of salt. Very specific meteorological conditions are required for this mineral-rich aromatic salt to crystallise on the surface of the salt flats: a lot of sunshine, a gentle constant breeze and low air humidity. A fine layer of flower-shaped crystals forms on the surface of the water, which are then harvested with rakes in the longstanding traditional way.
Contrary to other common sea salts, nothing is added or removed from flor de sal during the entire process and It is entirely harvested by hand. After drying, the salt is either taken to be packaged or it is blended with Mediterranean herbs, spices and even olives. Seasoned Salt is a fairly recent innovation and has become extremely popular all over the world and Spain leads the world with this culinary product.
As well as the full aroma of the sea, flor de sal contains over 80 minerals and trace elements. Its sodium chloride content – the main component of common salt- is, however, very low. When the sun and the wind shake up the salt flats, the magnesium contained in the seawater is one of the first to emerge to the surface. This is why Flor de Sal contains between 16 and 20 times more magnesium than common sea salt. It also has double the potassium and calcium content as well as high counts of many trace elements.
This particular mineral composition makes flor de sal an ideal choice for health-conscious people. Magnesium acts as a natural flavour enhancer, so only a small pinch must be added to any dish. This low usage reduces sodium chloride ingestion. Flor de sal is highly recommended by dietitians and nutritionists.
Gourmets appreciate its balanced aroma and the smooth texture of its crystals. A 100% natural product, Flor de sal is always slightly moist. The crystals melt on the palate contrary to traditional rock salt and it turns the simplest dishes into true culinary events.
If you fancy visiting the salt flats you can get more information here: