Visiting Barcelona - A labyrinth from 1791
Saturday, November 4, 2023 @ 11:53 AM

The archetypical hedge maze sitting in the center of Barcelona's Parc del Laberint d'Horta (Labyrinth Park of Horta) is one of the city's hidden gems, having delighted visitors for centuries making it the oldest garden in the city.
The Labyrinth Park is also the oldest park in Barcelona and since it's located outside of the tourist radius, it's something of an undiscovered treasure. The park is located in the district of Horta in the north part of the city. To maintain the park's beauty, a maximum of only 750 persons are allowed to enter each day.
The park was built in 1791 by the marquis and landowner Joan Antoni Desvalls of d'Ardena. At the same time the construction of the Desvall palace began. The park extends over 9 hectares and is divided into two gardens: the older garden in a neoclassical style and the younger garden in a romantic style.

Inside the neoclassical garden is the 820-yard long labyrinth that gave name to the park. In the centre of the labyrinth is a statue of Eros, the god of love. Right above the labyrinth are two large pavilions with statues of the Danaë and Ariadne and beside the stairs leading up to the garden's highest point stands a statue of Dionysus, the god of wine. At the top of the stairs is another pavilion, dedicated to the nine Muses and behind this building we find a large and beautiful pond.
During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the Desvall palace was a meeting place for the society's elite. Over the years, three kings have paid a visit to the gardens. When you walk around the garden, it's easy to imagine how it looked during the celebrations once held there; the outdoor theatre, the beautiful outfits and exquisite food, the children playing games in the labyrinth..

The romantic and classical part of the garden dates back to the 1800s and has thousands of flowers sheltering in the shadows of the many large trees. Here you also find a waterfall and a romantic canal. The romantic garden is very beautiful but it doesn't provoke the same feelings or interest as when you are walking inside the neoclassical garden.
The easiest way to the Labyrinth Park is to take the green line L3 to Mundet. The park is only a 5-minute walk from the subway.
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