Delayed departure - an unforeseen problem
Friday, April 16, 2010 @ 1:10 AM
Life never follows a predictable pattern does it? Just when we were ready to start loading the van to drive out on Sunday, Steve's dodgy left eye began to get worse. The optician said last week that it was 'floaters' and nothing to worry about, but by 6pm last night our GP was concerned that it might be more than that, referred us to the hospital emergency eye clinic, and by 5pm this evening Steve had had surgery for a detached retina! Two weeks rest, no heavy lifting or driving (especially his motorbikes) for a little while...longer term prognosis a bit iffy. Thank goodness we are still here and in the NHS system!
The big message is - if you have an eye problem, don't hang about waiting for it to 'just clear up'. Get a professional diagnosis as quickly as you can!
On another matter - we bought a piece of sculpture last week for the casa - from a great chap Simon Manby of Forge Farm, Wootton, Derbyshire. He does lovely drawings of his southern French village too, so if you're in GB and near Alton Towers, go to his studio. I recommend highly, though his bigger bronze pieces are not cheap.
Thanks to everyone who has advised on car tax/MOT/registration. Really helpful. This is a great website.