a few difficult days
Sunday, April 25, 2010 @ 1:51 AM
We have had some fun (not) since the middle of the week! This has involved the van, 2 motorbikes and a prawn - yes, a prawn!
First of all, the van needed an MOT and needed 2 new tyres and an emissions 'blast'. This meant me flying down the nearest dual carriageway at great speed to clean out the system and spending a few £ss on the tyres! Then far more £ss were spent on tyres for the VFR (Dunlop Sportsmarts) but the wrong ones were delivered so that got put on hold for a few days. When the right ones did get fitted, the chap managed to provide the wrong (too big) valve which kept catching on the caliper, so we had a flat back tyre on a lonely Norfolk road at 9 o'clock at night...Good job Steve has full insurance including roadside 'get you home'.
We put together a hasty stir-fry including a handful of king prawns and guess what - by 10pm I was on my knees in the bathroom wondering how long I had to live! It was not a good night! Steve rushed off to the pharmacy in the morning and got me some Dr Collis-Browne's Mixture (saviour of all upset stomachs, can it be bought in Spain?) and I spent the day in bed feeling very feeble. It took 36 hours to even consider a scrap of toast but I am rapidly recovering now. As you can imagine, getting a recipe for this blog or even thinking about food has been beyond me.
All this pales into insignificance compared to today's disaster: we put the Guzzi on a low jack so Steve could do some work on it, went off for somethng else and heard a crash, and came back to find the beloved motor on its side in the garage with a horrible dent and damaged paintwork to the fuel tank. Heart-breaking! The damage is right on a shaped part of the tank and will be difficult to repair. I suppose we should be glad it happened at home and not on the road...
The TV is rammed with Election discussions and of course we are all watching the debates. The markets will want certainty, not a hung Parliament and for those of us in the saver/pension/euro exchange world that will really matter. But who wants more of Labour? Who thinks the Tories have strength in depth? We all 'agree with Nick' but are the Lib Dems ready for government? I am very happy to leave all this behind and get vaguely interested in Spanish politics instead. The, like Voltaire's hero, we will simply tend our own garden. That's the plan.