Fiestas, Olympics, Perseid meteors...
Sunday, August 12, 2012 @ 5:17 PM
The village is awash with people of all ages and we are enjoying, enduring and avoiding various parts of our 2012 fiesta. The preparation was great fun...the men putting up flags and bunting and a small stage...the women sweeping the streets and hanging basketts of flowers...children, dogs and cats also playing their part. The procession and fireworks were splendid, the late-night music appalling (too loud, too badly-sung, probably too expensive) and it was difficult to balance the social part with the compelling Olympic events. We dashed in and out of the house, trying to cover all options.
The awful music drove us down to the land at about 2am, as it was too hot and too noisy to try and sleep, and we spent a lovely couple of hours watering the veg, watching the meteors and drinking tea from a thermos. Venus rose in th east at about 4am, followed by a crescent waning moon, bathing the landscape with a pale silver light. Very beautiful.
Today we have the children's events, the burning of Zorro the fox and some home-made music which will be much better than last night I'm sure. And we must see the Olympic closing ceremony too...