Why I'm Disappointed by the Scottish Referendum Result
Friday, September 19, 2014 @ 11:21 AM

There's been a lot of talk about how the result of the Scottish referendum might affect the Catalan independence movement but to be perfectly honest I always thought it was irrelevant.
Perhaps a YES would have created a precedent and opened up the way for recognition of Catalonia and acceptance by the EU but equally it might have increased fear that more nation-states would break apart and so countries like France, Italy and Begium would have been even keener to block a Catalan referendum.
What is very clear is that the right-wing Spanish nationalist press in Madrid will have field day claiming that this is the end of independence movements for the forseeable future. This is also completely false. There is a strong grassroots movement here, the majority of political parties are in favour of a referendum and a date's been set. Even if Catalans don't manage to vote on November 9th, the Catalan people's desire to control their own future won't go away.
No, I'm disappointed because I really believe that the age of big unresponsive and aggressive nation states is over. The EU is an opportunity for greater regionalisation, call it autonomy, call it devolution, call it independence, call it what you will.
I'm sad for the people of Scotland because they have less chance of creating a nuclear-free, more socially just and economically viable Scotland on their own terms according to their own Scottish priorities.
Bad luck, folks! Keep trying! .... What was it that Robert the Bruce said?
Una abraçada from Catalonia and I hope you'll be with us and standing alongside us in our own struggle for greater independence and justice.