Legal tip 958. A gorgeous interview with Antonio Garrigues Walker
Saturday, May 25, 2013 @ 9:04 PM
My husband, Luis, recommended me to listen to this today. I really enjoyed it. Wanted to share it with you, spcially as, in many occassions, you love Spain more than we do.
Antonio Garrigues is honorary Embassy of Marca España.
Garrigues Walker described the deficit on Foreign Politics of Spain, which should be improved as Spain will better off by improving its relationships with the world.
Spain needs to pay more attention to its relationships with Iberoamerica, North America and Africa. This latter one, for solidarity and nearness reasons.
The psychological element of the crisis is more powerful that the technical one. There are no reasons for negativity. Humanity has overcome many crisis along the centuries and will do likewise with this one. The coming growth is going to be decisive for a fairer humankind.
Failures are necessary. They hurt but they are necessary.

Beach Valdevaqueros", Tarifa, Cádiz, Southwest of Spain, by Chodaboy, at