A mensaje de Navidad from Maria de Castro
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 7:42 AM
This is my favourite Christmas image. I know that many of you are not Catholic, even not Christian and even not believers and... I fully respect, from the deepest part of my soul, every one´s personal beliefs and ways of illustrating and living these festive days, but, ..... at the same time , as friends of mine who you are already, I wanted to share this tender and human image of Jesus and Mary, whcih I really like.
It trasmits humanhood, hope, ternderness... It portrays a very reachable God.
I wish you peace, deep joy, hope, strength, balance, cooperation sense, optimism, determination, tenderness, simplicity and austerity... my most cherished treasures, for these Christmas days and next 2009, which we will run together.
I promise I will try to become a little bit more of a good person this year.
Best from my family, my team and me.
By Maria L. de Castro