The Comprehensive Plan of Support to Competitiveness of Retail Trade 2013, a mixture of measures aimed to try to improve the competitiveness of the retail trade, has just been approved in Spain.
It was also decided to modify the Aid Fund for Domestic Trade to make available to entrepreneurs 28.68 million euros to support their investments and provide liquidity for current expenses.
This Plan is organized in ten lines of action and thirty measures, some of which have already been put into operation in 2012, targeted to the following sections:
· Innovation and competitiveness of small businesses
· Promoting open trade centers and municipal markets
· Financial support to businesses
· The trade promotion and revival of demand
· The boost to generational relief and entrepreneurs
· Exploiting the synergies between trade and tourism
· Improving commercial security
· Legislative measures to boost trade activity and eliminating obstacles to start the activity
· Supporting the internationalization of Spanish trade
· Improving training and job creation in the commercial sector
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