Baby2009: Bienvenido al mundo
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 2:06 PM
Bienvenido 2009 * Welcome 2009
As a baby, may you fill our lives with hope and strength while we care for you to be a prosperous year, not just in the financial sense, but ....
in art, friendship, projects, sharing, laughing, creating, helping each other, having real-deep fun, working together, enjoying same sun, creating transparent and fair structures, enjoying truth, children, nature, philosophy, elderly and handicapped people, simple richness of life...
As you, 2009, come without much to offer, you give to us the oportunity to create what is necessary to make you have a good existence...and enjoy the way along...
Yes, Susan.. I know I should have been a motivational speecher rather than a lawyer.
Feliz 2009!
By Maria L. de Castro

By Chris230 at